evolution of anti-pot propaganda

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HAs anyone seen any anti-pot commercials lately?

The latest one i've seen had a young school kid sitting in the principals office with his own fist crammed into his mouth. The principal was interpreting the mumbles from the kid as he was unable to speak due to his pot induced attempt to swallow his own hand.

No doubt this thing happens, but it sure wasn't the pot. I've never done anything like that, nor do I know anyone else who has.

I have however, seen a kid back in high school take what he thought was a hit of acid, when it was no more than a small square peice of paper. The mere suggestion that the person will get high from it causes some immature people to try their best to "help" the high get going...or perhaps help to induce the high by doing something really really stupid. Like this kid in high school who took the placebo acid, stipped down to his underwear and went through the halls singing lewd songs at the top of his lungs.

It's just funny how ridiculous the anti-pot propaganda has gotten since the days of the original Reefer Madness (30's,40's?), where the ads would depict someone butchering their families after smoking pot.

It seems that the propaganda machine is really running out of steam. I mean what can they do next? Even my mom, who is a very conservative southern baptist Christian said the other day that she does not think that pot is any more harmful that alcohol.

The propaganda nowadays seems to always have at it's center a kid depicted as a "loser". Not a violent, trouble making loser, just a loser. Like the kid with his fist in mouth. Or there was was another commerical that depicted a kid who just recently graduated high school, and wasn't doing anything with his life, except for sitting in his parents basement and playing video games...all because he smoked pot (this sounds like the lifestyle of many non-pot smokers I know).

What's next? Any thoughts?
I change the channel when I see that feeble attempt at propaganda come on. It is disgusting that those commercials are on there. Crystal Meth is an epidemic right now. but you don't see an Anti-Meth commercial. Its very hypocritical.
Mutt said:
I change the channel when I see that feeble attempt at propaganda come on. It is disgusting that those commercials are on there. Crystal Meth is an epidemic right now. but you don't see an Anti-Meth commercial. Its very hypocritical.

Actually , just the other day I saw an anti-meth billboard. It pictured "before and after" photos of a woman who had been doing meth for 6 months. Her face had aged what looked like 20 years, and she had sores.

The message it was sending was right on! I was really glad to see that billboard warning everyone of the very real dangers of meth.

Anti-pot ads and commercials on the other hand doesn't have anything real to draw upon for ammo. That is why the recent wave of propaganda has a common theme : a kid who has become a loser because of pot.
The earliest and latest commercials I've seen was way back in the day where it showed someone buying a joint and then it back tracked to where it came from and the people who were hurt and killed for it. end with terrorists holding a family hostage about to execute them. so ******* stupid. But these new ones top the cake where it shows the girl all squished up like a midget and she rambles on about how she got that way. and she states "the pressure, the pressure to be cool, to fit in, to drink and smoke pot." If you ask me this commercial is ******** cuz if your that needy to be accepted and and do drugs just to "fit in" then your a ******* douche and have severe social issues.

The other commercial is in the similar format and had a girl sitting on a couch and she looks llike a steam roller or some fat dude rolled over her. and her friend is sitting there telling the camera man how she used to be interesting and how they used to have so much fun together. the camera man asks what happened and her friend just states, "pot is what happened, shes all lazy and no fun anymore." Ok first thought on this propaganda crap. If her friend sitting next to her was "really" her friend then dont you think they would both have smoked weed together? then why is it that only the "lazy, flat" girl is the bore?

these stupid ass commericials are barely breaking the ice. I mean if you actually take the time to analyze the commercial on a realistic point of view you will realize that all this propaganda ******** is thought up by a bunch of nobodies that have no clue how marijuana really affects you. these commercials are biased and opinionated as ****. its disgusting that they waste our tax dollars battle drugs and waging the War on Drugs; you cant fight a war on a ******* concept. jesus this gets me heated.


Mutt said:
I change the channel when I see that feeble attempt at propaganda come on. It is disgusting that those commercials are on there. Crystal Meth is an epidemic right now. but you don't see an Anti-Meth commercial. Its very hypocritical.

I totally agree with this...how many times do you hear about the babies born addicted to pot? NONE. My theory is that the more kids born to meth, the more of an epidemic we are having with kids having mental health issues. Anybody spending any time, effort, and money on researching that? I have researched this problem and it seems to be neck and neck in the growth, and who pays for these kids and mental health problems? Don't we have enough problems paying for the mental health patients we have already? Aren't we suppose to be finding ways to diminish mental health problems?

Sorry, had to spill...:cool:
Has anyone seen the kid running through the junkyard with the dog chasing him?? And he is narrating and saying "That his friends told him to smoke once, then they told him to outrun this vicious dog and how he is doing stupid things and that not him" WHO THE HELL LISTENS WHEN SOMEONE TELLS YOU SOMETHING LIKE THAT????? So theoretically if I smoke once you could tell me to go on a murderious rampage and I would do it??
We are not sheep being led to the slaughter by evil drug dealers!
Devilweed said:
Has anyone seen the kid running through the junkyard with the dog chasing him?? And he is narrating and saying "That his friends told him to smoke once, then they told him to outrun this vicious dog and how he is doing stupid things and that not him" WHO THE HELL LISTENS WHEN SOMEONE TELLS YOU SOMETHING LIKE THAT????? So theoretically if I smoke once you could tell me to go on a murderious rampage and I would do it??
We are not sheep being led to the slaughter by evil drug dealers!

When I'm baked any "extra-energy required activities" are the last thing on my mind. Much less out running a dog. Me I woulda gave the dog a steak and smoked him up. Then he wouldn't be viscous no more. :D
The worst thing is, they may work.
Even people who when young smoked a joint more than once and KNOW it's not harmful but now that they have kids are anti-pot.
5 years ago I foresaw a steady march of pro-mj decrim/med states, and an end to harrassment of mj clinics.
Instead it seems to have come to a screeching halt, and in some cases it's getting worse.
For instance, Alaska just re-illegalized it (for the 3rd time), even though there were no problems.
Cannibus Clubs are being shut down all over what I believe is the most liberal of all states, Califonia.
And I think the UN just declared marijuana "a dangerous drug".

There is a way to change things.
In a few months there will be elections at the local, county, state and federal level.
Most candidates have web sites. Visit them and find out their views on mj.
Now, I'm not asking you to vote for a candidate solely for their views on pot.
But often the candidates hold roughly the same views on major issue's. Except one may be pro-pot. That fact might be a decieding factor in who gets your vote.

Also, there are at least 2 political partiesthat are pro-pot. I'm not endorsing either one but the Green Party and the Libertarians are both pro mj legalization.
the funny thing is,when i see those commercials,im always blown so its always halarious.
Devilweed said:
Has anyone seen the kid running through the junkyard with the dog chasing him?? And he is narrating and saying "That his friends told him to smoke once, then they told him to outrun this vicious dog and how he is doing stupid things and that not him" WHO THE HELL LISTENS WHEN SOMEONE TELLS YOU SOMETHING LIKE THAT????? So theoretically if I smoke once you could tell me to go on a murderious rampage and I would do it??
We are not sheep being led to the slaughter by evil drug dealers!

the other day i saw my brother and he was eating a lot and so enthusiastic about everything so i asked him if he was high and he said no but my friends told me to try to out run tick tick the lumber yard dog and i dont think i can out run him and i'm doing stupid stuff and that ain't me good times good times and no he wasnt high. has anyone seen harold and koomare go to white castle and the anti pot commercial on it
??? I didnt even know that there were anti-pot commercials I am from Canada so maybe they dont play them here...is there any site that I can go to to check these out they seem funny in a sad way...I am kinda of interested.
the pressure, the pressure to be cool, to fit in, to drink and smoke pot

It's hearing this ******** that makes me want to go light up a big fat joint.
Has anyone seen the kid running through the junkyard with the dog chasing him?? And he is narrating and saying "That his friends told him to smoke once, then they told him to outrun this vicious dog and how he is doing stupid things and that not him" WHO THE HELL LISTENS WHEN SOMEONE TELLS YOU SOMETHING LIKE THAT????? So theoretically if I smoke once you could tell me to go on a murderious rampage and I would do it??
We are not sheep being led to the slaughter by evil drug dealers!

Damn kid needs to stop being such a moron trying to outrun all these damn dogs.

And any body who's been high knows, that the LAST thing u want to do is get ur ass off of that couch, let alone go out and try to outrun a dog. Most of the time I'm too stoned to go to the fridge and make myself a ham sandwhich.

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