Ettesun's Big Endeavor!

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Wow, those colours are quite stunning, im sooo tempted at giving it a go, great journal Ett.
melissa said:
beautiful bubblegum pics wow i could just look at them for ever :tokie:
subscribing to this journal ,,,,,good luck on them babies :bong2:


Wish you could come over for coffee/tea and a smoke. You'd love this stuff. I've been sleeping so much better. Can't wait until my Lifesavers are done also. Another eight weeks. I started them from seed and raised the mommas. Now I have a bunch of clones. The family is growing. Very diverse community in my maternity wing. I like it that way!:D
:eek: They are a natural relaxant and sleep aid... supposed to be wonderful.
I'm an wired person naturally and I love that 'get down' natural feeling at night. Just awesome. Well, I don't drink coffee at night... LOL. just tea!
Later. Thanks for hanging in here with me.
The hippy/cowgirl :lama:
Not my first Rodeo!
Here goes my second round. :holysheep:


MaternityWing.mothers copy.mail.jpg

My Second Rodeo copy. mail.jpg

setuplights copy.jpg

Maternity Wing, Pediatric Wing, Lighting Set-up
Hey ettesun...looking great..I have some Bubble gum beans in the fridge for a future grow..after your grow it just moved up it order..thanks friend
Hey there Ettesun. Those look great. Very nice setup you have going there. I am anxiously awaiting some more pics of those ladies. In the meantime, keep us posted on your progress my friend. Grow it big. Take care and I will be watching for updates.
:eek: The Bubble Gum is the best tasting ever... seriously. It's like an after dinner cocktail. When I lick my lips I can taste the sugar. Just amazing. I hope I will remember what in the heck I fed those girls. Or maybe it just comes natural!!! LOL. Here's one for you...
Thats one heck of a set-up! Keep it up EtteSun...I think i can learn some things from you :)
Hi everyone. Welcome back to My Journal. ;) So glad you popped in! Thanks for the great honor of winning M.P.'s 'photo-of-the-month' contest.
I personally wish I'd taken more photos because I've never seen colors quite like that before. I'm wondering if winning a photo contest at the county fair is in my future! Imagine that... LOL
I'm just hoping I'll have some with color in my 2nd Batch coming up.
Speaking of my 2nd Batch...I'm back with my updates.
This is week one in bloom. My trays vary in size, so I'm sure output will also. I am curious to see how much taller they will grow in eight weeks.
:eek: I have three new strains in the mix, so that will be exciting to see how they come out and if they will have color. I will add photos of each strain a little later. Don't let me forget. ;)
Thanks to all of you for being here to share experiences, knowledge and laughs. It's a real pleasure getting to know you all. God Bless.


InBloom.wk.1.Day.1.Black copy.jpg


Photo 1, on the left: This is a plant that I had hoped to keep as a mother. She was only a couple months old and she began blooming even though my maternity wing is under 24 hours light/ 7 days a week!!! :rolleyes:Go figure.
I'd never heard of 'automatic flowering' before I read about it right here at M.P.'s site. I would imagine that she is one of those auto girls! I did try to start a couple clones, but they are budding already and barely four inches tall. Darn. Not a good strain for indoors. Possibly I'll put one outside and see what happens. Interesting. I am very curious how this automatic flowering was developed. Does anyone know??? I wonder what Luther Burbank would think of all this??? Your homework is... yep you guessed it. Who was Luther Burbank??? !!! :confused: What is he most known for??? :confused:

Thanks. :eek:
hey ettesun
great pics cannont wait to see how they all look once budding !
dam i wish i had your set up ,,but no time to be envious :ignore: i will get there eventually ,,,once the kids have left home :hairpull::giggle:

oh did my home work you set :D

Luther Burbank was widely known as a botanist and scientist. His fame as an inventor of new fruits, plants and flowers inspired world-wide interest in plant breeding

ps i googled it do i still get an a+ :rofl:
goodluck with the mommas problem and goodluck with these babies too (not that u need luck growing)
u seem to have that down to a fine art
happy smoking :tokie: melissa
Lookn Good:hubba: Lookn Good!! I`m lookn 4ward to the grow, Cya around!!
:woohoo:Melissa And Ganga... Thanks for popping in for a visit!
:clap: Melissa, You won the Luther Burbank trivia question. You get an A+, but if you want extra credit, try to name a couple of his MOST famous achievements. He is from Santa Rosa. I began loving gardening when my second grade class took a field trip to his 'farm.' I was quite impressed.
:eek: Thank you for the well wishes, and I'll keep you posted. Ha. 'Keep you posted.' :rofl:
Oh, enjoy those kids, Melissa...:hairpull: I do understand though... for sure. But, they grow up too fast... mine are already on their own. Time Flies! :fly:

ok here goes ette

the shasta daisy ,,,burbank potatoes,,,cherries,,,cali poppy

were some of his greatest achievements i think

:clap: :woohoo:

There's one very important thing he developed that helped the farming in Australia... at least I think it is Australia. I'll have to look it up for sure. It has to do with cows. :eek:
LOL... :farm:

:ciao: :bolt:
Hi Ettesun :cool:

just popped by to say hello and ask about how things r trucking along?

hmmm... maybe not trucking along at all... more like crawling, eh? :doh: this hobby takes so long... that's what I find, at least...

congrats on BPOTM :aok: that's a gorgeous pic... she prob takes after mommy, hmmm? :hubba:

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