noneedforalarm said:since when was a nickel 7 grams? haha
Since before your time. Pot used to be $20/oz. Nickle bag was $5.00 for 7grams.
noneedforalarm said:since when was a nickel 7 grams? haha
Unregistered said:Yeah. Thanks for replying man. I'm just looking for instances where people, such as yourself, have managed to work out and smoke without any serious problems.
And I agree with your morning work-out, evening blazing session idea. It really is the only way to do it.
SmokinMom said:I am not a body builder at all, but I have been going to the gym approx 5 times a week the last year, minus the time I had surgery. But I do have a little something to contribute. Bear with me.
One night I went to the gym. I planned on doing an hour on the treadmill. I ate a mj brownie just before I left assuming it would be a good hour before it kicked in anyways. On the drive to the club my phone rings and I sit in the parking lot gabbing with my friend for 20 minutes. Then I go on and get going on my machine. All is well. I am at a great pace, jamming out to my tunes, no problems. Then outta no where I had to slow everything down. The brownie kicked in.I couldn't keep up anymore.
Now I know lifting weights and using a treadmill are 2 completely different things, but damn.....my performance was very compromised when my magic brownie kicked in.
That's all. Carry on.
And damn, just noticed this thread is like 4 yrs old.....lmao.
MindzEye said:I never said anything about working out high lol, I went from 140lb shrimp to 240 lbs ripped, I didnt work out high lol but I did smoke every day!! Keep workin it smokinmom, your probably smokin in more than one way if you have been working out that much![]()
middieman440 said:they say thc lower's testosterone levels wich is what helps build muscle...if you eat right and use free weights you will deff add muscle but since you say you gained weight im thinking "fat" you wont loose or gain weight at first but you will turn the blub into muscle..as for smoking and lifting my best advice that has worked for me as well as others i know is do your workouts in the mourning "free weights and cardio either same day or seprate try to hit the weights 3 times a week..and smoke mid day never before you sleep since your bodys testosterone levels are elvating at night while you sleep to build and recooperate<<bad spelling>>your muscle that you just ripped apart<<the burning sensation you get or better known as the pump... while lifting..just my thoughts and how i do it on a daily basis...take hydroxy cut with some creatine and protein powder and your good to go also note if you take these 3 supplements by muscle tech called 1.cell tech.2.nitro tech and hydroxycut for 12 weeks and follow a good diet and exercize program you will lose the fat and gain somewhere between 12-15 pounds of muscle with some added water weight from the cell tech.....