Eastern Australia First Grow Journal

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nice!! she won't be too lonely now![=
and those girls will love the open sunlight! (as opposed to strict indoor lights)
MeNtAlPaTiEnT said:
Lookin great over there smoko. Looks like some strong sunshine over there :).

Yeah when the sun's out, it's VERY strong. You should see how many skin cancer clinic's we have here! ... :eek:

We've had some cloudy weather of recent, but hopefully some of them clear blue skies are heading this way.

cannabis037 said:
nice!! she won't be too lonely now![=
and those girls will love the open sunlight! (as opposed to strict indoor lights)
In an ideal world they'd be out in the sun all day, but the only spot that gets sun all day is overlooked for all to see ... :(

Still, they're getting 4 - 6 hours a day at the mo and will try for more.
Can anyone tell me if I should be using nutes by now ... and if so what should I use?

Ok, well it's 1 day short of 8 weeks since this young girl was planted in soil.

2 weeks of flowering.

Today I've added some extra CFL's to throw some light from the sides. 6 in total, and all 13w.

They had a good 5 hours of sunlight today, and we're forecast some nice weather so they'll get a dose of it!

A few pics.



Im not too familiar with soil grows.

Depending on what kind of soil you are using, I know many have nutrients sowed into them already, you can start watering as soon as they show their first set of true leaves.

Youre well behind on watering, but it looks like it dosent appear to be suffering from deficiencies though. Youll want to get a carb booster so that the plant will not run out of the needed carbs to produce the best buds. Youll also want to go pick up some flowering nutrients. I believe it is decressed nitrogen and increased phosphorus, compared to vegetative forumla that is. Cal+Mag are probaly good adds too.

But, again, read first line. Im more into Hydro.
If she's not showing any deficiencies, you probably don't need to add nutes BUT to get optimum growth, like keepsten said, you should add some bloom nutes. Just be careful not to burn her! I've grown a crop without adding any nutrients before because the soil gave my girls all the nutes they needed, so unless your girl is showing deficiencies, it's not absolutely neccesary to add anything but giving her bloom nutes might bring out the beast in her :). Looking Great smoko, she's a beaut.
Smoko said:
Can anyone tell me if I should be using nutes by now ... and if so what should I use?


what you havent been using nutes?
yea its well time to brake out the nutes!
what you want will depend on what your budget is i guess,
i ahve used mirical grow to flower before, not ideal, but it does work,
but expect less of a yeild,
i use advanced nutes conosouir two part, for flowering but at about $80 for 2Litres its not cheap!

this artical may help,

This feeding schedule will help you on your new adventure of growing high quality marijuana. These ratios are based on a medium consisting of a semi-soilless mix of 1/3 Super Soil (a generic soil brand from Home Depot), 1/3 perlite & 1/3 vermiculite. Supersoil contains no nutrients, so if using a different brand w/ nutrients adjust your fert amounts accordingly. With a soilless mix, approximately 1/4 of the water going in has to be runoff, to wash out the salts from the last watering & any build-ups. It is very important to check the PH of your runoff water also. For example, if it is going in at 6.2 and the runoff is 6.8, you have a salt build-up and have to flush your plants w/ PH adjusted water & then check runoff. This is very important, because at higher or lower PH levels plants will take in more or less of some nutrients. Use good quality water with a PPM of less then 150. When using GH Flora series always mix your micro first, stir well, then add your grow, stir well, then your bloom, again stirring well. Failure to mix your micro first will result in certain nutrients being locked out & unavailable to the plant. Measurements are given in teaspoons per gallon using GH Flora series.

SEEDLINGS (Day 1 - 14)
During this stage your plants need no nutrients. Plants have enough energy stored to last them roughly 2 weeks. I've seen many grows ruined because people killed their plants during this period.

Early - 1 tsp (5ml) each - micro , grow & bloom. Adjust PH to 6.2
Middle - 1 1/4 tsp (6.25 ml) micro, 1 1/4 tsp grow, 1 tsp bloom. Adjust PH to 6.2
Late - 1 1/2 tsp (7.5 ml) micro, 1 1/2 tsp grow, 1 tsp bloom. Adjust PH to 6.2

FLOWERING (Day 46 106, more or less depending on strain)
Early - 1 1/2 tsp micro, 1 tsp grow, 1 1/2 tsp bloom. Adjust PH to 6.2
Middle - 1 3/4 tsp (8.75 ml) micro, 3/4 tsp (3.75 ml) grow, 1 3/4 tsp bloom. Adjust PH to 6.3
Late - 2 tsp (10ml) micro, 1/2 tsp (2.5 ml) grow, 2 tsp bloom. Adjust PH to 6.3
Later - 2 1/2 tsp (12.5 ml) micro, 1/2 tsp grow, 3 tsp (15 ml) bloom. Adjust PH to 6.4

Always remember to water your plants w/ plain PH adjusted water the last 2 weeks to wash out any built up salts & to try & reduce the chemical taste that unused ferts leave behind in the weed. The plants used in this example were grown using a 400 watt HPS. If you use this information & have good genetics, I guarantee you will have a good amount of high quality weed in 3 1/2 months. Peace

good luck:D
Thanks guy's for your replies re the nutes.

Part of me thinks if it aint broke ... but the other half thinks it could be benificial to the plant / grow / yeild etc etc

'Bloom nutes' Now we recently went looking for 'bloom' nutes, but couldn't find anything ... :confused: Is there any actual ingredients to look for? ... like Potassium or Nitrogen etc. That might make it easier to find.

There's the 2 girls growing together now. One had a dodgy yellow leave moment early on, but altho recovered ... it's about 4" behind what we call our No1. I wonder if we should start giving nutes to No2, and not No1, just to see if it catches up with No1!
My car may not be broken, but if I stuck a bigger turbo, higher octane fuel and some nitrous, itd really rocket.

Bloom nutes, like I sad, have normal pottassium, lower nitrogen, higher phosphorus. Theyll be sold as.... Flowering nutrients I believe at a gardening store. There are tons and tons of them though, cant understand why you wernt able to find some.

If youre gonna buy em at the store... go... "Ive got tomatos that are starting to flower, is there anything I can add to make them grow bigger/tastier?" Theyll walk ya to where they keep these sorts of things.
KeepsTen said:
My car may not be broken, but if I stuck a bigger turbo, higher octane fuel and some nitrous, itd really rocket.

Bloom nutes, like I sad, have normal pottassium, lower nitrogen, higher phosphorus. Theyll be sold as.... Flowering nutrients I believe at a gardening store. There are tons and tons of them though, cant understand why you wernt able to find some.

If youre gonna buy em at the store... go... "Ive got tomatos that are starting to flower, is there anything I can add to make them grow bigger/tastier?" Theyll walk ya to where they keep these sorts of things.
I hear ya ... will source some out today.

hey smoko those are great looking plants. i don't even know if you need any nutrients yet. in that last picture if looks like they have some burnt tips. or is that from something else. if you do add them go real easy at first
GrowinGreen said:
hey smoko those are great looking plants. i don't even know if you need any nutrients yet. in that last picture if looks like they have some burnt tips. or is that from something else. if you do add them go real easy at first
Thanks ... :)

Yeah all of my plants have some sort of yellowing on the tips ... :confused:

Here's a picture of No3 which is currently under light 24/7.

Again some yellow tips, but also the bottom leaves have gone yellow, not sure if this is a major prob or not ... :confused:

oh yeah dude they definitely need some nutrients- the yellowing is do to some deficiency. feed em!

Take a look at this:

From that guide it looks like it could be do to nitrogen or potassium- they are definitely hungry
GrowinGreen said:
oh yeah dude they definitely need some nutrients- the yellowing is do to some deficiency. feed em!

Take a look at this:

From that guide it looks like it could be do to nitrogen or potassium- they are definitely hungry
I've got this stuff I bought a while back called Nitrosol. It contains 12% Nitrogen, 3% Phosphorus, 8% Potassium, and 2% Calcium.

I'd obviously have to go REAL easy with the dose, but I wonder if this would be any good?

take a look on ebay for some nutes, and get them delivered to your door!
swiftgt said:
take a look on ebay for some nutes, and get them delivered to your door!
Good call, but unfortunately eBay over here is rubbish ... can't get anything from it unless it comes from Asia ... :rolleyes:
Smoko said:
Good call, but unfortunately eBay over here is rubbish ... can't get anything from it unless it comes from Asia ... :rolleyes:
have you got a bunnings near you!
purplephazes said:
have you got a bunnings near you!
Yes, and spent 15 mins in one today. No good, no one knew of it.

Plus side is I've found out that **** Smith sell it for $3.50 ... :)

Apparently it's used to clean CPU's and crap, so will grab some tomorrow.

Oh and I see you're down under. Do you use nutes? ... can you recommend anything?

(N)Nitrogen is a key Element in the production of Amino Acids, which are the building block of Proteins. Many plant hormones contain Nitrogen as well as Chlorophyll, DNA and RNA (Genetic materials), and a myriad of enzymes that help control and regulate growth. Nitrogen is the most mobile element.
Plants suffering from this deficiency are distinct in their pattern of yellowing. Yellowing starts on the older leaves and progresses upward, leaving the top parts of the plant green.
NOTE: Leaves will turn pale green, then yellow evenly. There are no intervenial striping or yellow patches. Color is uniform over the entire leaf. Yellowing is expected during flushing, as the plant is using up all available internal nutrients... .....(P)Phosphorous deficiencies are distinct. Purple stems, leaf stems, leaf veins and stunted growth are a sure sign of a Phosphorous deficiency. Leaves will also tend to be smaller and dark green, and may or may not include necrotic patches. Bud size will be smaller and underdeveloped, as will the root mass.
Phosphorous is used for plant energy by being assimilated into molecules called Adenosine-tri-phosphate, or ATP. This molecule is necessary for any plant activity that requires energy such as root growth, flowering, and respiration,
..... ideally have a look as well for a nute with a higher (P) qualities as this offers extra attention to the flowering cycle .(bigger buds ) ! a bit more more info for the record and while i am on the topic..Potassium deficiencies are identified by necrosis on the margins of larger fan leaves. Necrotic patches can be seen on the leaves as well. Leaves will eventually turn yellow, brown and die off. Most of the plants that show signs of a Potassium deficiency are going to be the tallest and best looking plants you have.
Potassium serves to aid in the process of photosynthesis, nutrient uptake, respiration, and is a key to sturdy stems and disease resistance. Having an adequate supply for the plant early in it’s life stage will keep your seedlings from falling over.
Again, feeding with a good all-around fertilizer will clear it up as well. You can also use wood ashes and water them into your soil to fix this. You'll need to replace your soil's holding capacity of Potassium, and have a surplus before it will become available to the roots again. good luck smoko ! keep it green ! personally i use this for flower cycle
Monty’s Plant Food
Fertiliser Analysis

All Purpose Growth

Testing Method
Nitrogen Total (N) 8.80% AOAC 993.13
Phosphate Total (P2O5) 17.56% AOAC 16 958.01
Potash 8.86% AOAC 16 ED 971.01E/ICP
H2O 50.66% DSSS
Humus 9.00% DSSS
Iron 5.00% ICAP
Manganese 0.02% ICAP
Copper 0.01% ICAP
Zinc 0.08% ICAP
Boron 0.01% ICAP
TOTAL 100.00%

Nitrogen source: 37.5% Ammonium Hydroxide derived from seaweed.
62.5% Urea derived from natural gas.

Phosphoric acid is derived from mineral phosphorous.

Potassium Hydroxide is derived from mineral potash

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