This place is indispensable to people like me because of my experience usually don't get good advice in life without paying for it.
welcome to the club Amigo
here is why i recommend waiting two more weeks , I saound like a broken record most of the time
i have been around growers and have been growing a long time and over the years I have seen hundreds of anxious new growers getting ready to harvest their first successful grow , they are so chuffed!
anyway , most of them beginners could not wait until the plant was fully ripe and they ended up harvesting early
yeah they got a buzz out of the flowers
it was only later when they grew the same plant again but let it flower longer and when they smoked it the results were superior to the early bird special
and to be perfectly honest , I have done the same thing , harvest early
and what’s bad , I knew it wasn’t ready
after awhile , I learned a better technique for me to find out when is a plant ready to harvest?
this is on new genetics which I’ve never grown
i started taking samples at different stages of trichomes development , about a week apart
let those samples properly cure and dry and then have your own Cannabis Cup , it was an eye opener for me for sure
one particular strandivar that stands out to me is the Jackie-O , which may be a cross of JackFlash and AE77Cali-O
it was done at 74-76 days and if I went past 76 , it got nanners , every , single , time
well I pushed some past 77 days and at 83-85 days the smoking experience was better , in my opinion , everyone’s high is custom made and your mileage may vary
to me , the biggest difference was the taste and smell…..tangerine and citrus orange to the max
and the high was great , very relaxed but not couch lock
so yeah , it is a lot of fun growing the ganja and there is so much for all of us to learn