See G13 I knew if I hung around long enough I would find some common ground we share. I love the fact that we all have very diverse political ideologies and sometimes it is hard to discuss them without passion and fervor. I sometimes do not agree with what is been said in this thread, I fought for my life to make sure we could have these open discussions. America is not as great as it once was, yet we are not too far gone to try and find common ground for all Americans, so that each has a voice in their government. It makes my sacrifices worthwhile to see this open discussion as "we the people" are trying to all do what we think is best for our country. I begrudge no one, nor do I ever get angry if someone doesn't hold the same beliefs I do.....funny thing about beliefs...they simply are not fact, they are what we filter through and hold against our own experiences. Sadly people get beliefs - which are personal - confused with facts - that are quantifiable and can be measured time and again with the same end result. I implore you, please take it from a vet who held is childhood friend since 4th grade, while he slowly bled out in southern Iraq, don't let this issue divide us, let us weigh in and have a lively discussion, but please don't be offended or take personal what somebody else believes, Robby Keiser's memory would be tarnished, because he, like me believes that the rights and privileges we fought for should never be diminished by constitution tells me you have the right to stand on the corner and scream at the top of your lungs your beliefs, and with that in mind please don't circumvent my right to do the same.