donald and mj

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What your about to see out of SOME Bernie supporters ain't gonna be peaceful assembly for a protest......... they best see who it is leading(not Bernie)....... with the lure of making you feel equal by taking from others.

I am not even sure what the hell that means. Taking from others? Asking highly profitable corporations to pay their fair share of taxes and not stash their money overseas to avoid paying taxes at all is not taking from others. Asking the wealthy to pay their fair share of taxes instead of hiding behind tax loopholes that allow people that make millions to pay a lower tax rate then teachers, secretaries, police and firefighters is not taking from others.
Not allowing our tax dollars to go towards Corporate welfare for Highly Profitable Companies is not taking from others.

Trump is a Hate Monger who incites violence. He lies like a rug and doesn't actually have any specific policy stances. Just a bunch of words repeated over and over to pacify his Ignorant supporters.
What i dont get is what Hillary and Bernie Supporters think is gonna happen if one of them becomes President? The Republican Controled House and Senate wont let them do ****,,especially after loosing another Election. Hell Cruz and Trump are going to have hell getting anything done. Im not sure who can do anything as long as the House and Senate are controled by these assholes.
I am not even sure what the hell that means. Taking from others? Asking highly profitable corporations to pay their fair share of taxes and not stash their money overseas to avoid paying taxes at all is not taking from others. Asking the wealthy to pay their fair share of taxes instead of hiding behind tax loopholes that allow people that make millions to pay a lower tax rate then teachers, secretaries, police and firefighters is not taking from others.
Not allowing our tax dollars to go towards Corporate welfare for Highly Profitable Companies is not taking from others.

Trump is a Hate Monger who incites violence. He lies like a rug and doesn't actually have any specific policy stances. Just a bunch of words repeated over and over to pacify his Ignorant supporters.

so certain words justify violence?....... or does it depend on which side of the words your on?........
What i dont get is what Hillary and Bernie Supporters think is gonna happen if one of them becomes President? The Republican Controled House and Senate wont let them do ****,,especially after loosing another Election. Hell Cruz and Trump are going to have hell getting anything done. Im not sure who can do anything as long as the House and Senate are controled by these assholes.

It's pretty simple. The same people who go out to vote for Bernie also vote out this do nothing obstructionist Congress. You vote in Progressives who want change. What you don't do is elect a egotistical, misogynistic, self absorbed hate Mongerer who has no actual policy solutions.
As is with Congress not doing their job enough people on both sides want them out.
I am not even sure what the hell that means. Taking from others? Asking highly profitable corporations to pay their fair share of taxes and not stash their money overseas to avoid paying taxes at all is not taking from others. Asking the wealthy to pay their fair share of taxes instead of hiding behind tax loopholes that allow people that make millions to pay a lower tax rate then teachers, secretaries, police and firefighters is not taking from others.
Not allowing our tax dollars to go towards Corporate welfare for Highly Profitable Companies is not taking from others.

Trump is a Hate Monger who incites violence. He lies like a rug and doesn't actually have any specific policy stances. Just a bunch of words repeated over and over to pacify his Ignorant supporters.

Hey Hammy calling me ignorant isnt cool Bro. Getting a little low Little Brother. I could say the samething my friend if i wanted to get down in the mud. I promised i wouldnt,,,and you shouldnt. We are still family here Bro,,,with different ideas,,but that doesnt make us ignorant,,,just different. .. This is the crap Trump is seeing at his ralleys.
So your saying 7.5 million ppl are ignorant,,but not the small amount of ppl supporting Bernie?
so certain words justify violence?....... or does it depend on which side of the words your on?

The violence has come from Trump supporters so ask them.
No words justify violence. Unless you are Donald Drumpf. Then you get to incite violence when protesters peacefully protest.
Hey Hammy calling me ignorant isnt cool Bro. Getting a little low Little Brother. I could say the samething my friend if i wanted to get down in the mud. I promised i wouldnt,,,and you shouldnt. We are still family here Bro,,,with different ideas,,but that doesnt make us ignorant.

Unless you were in his crowds throwing punches or yelling racist things at people of color I didn't call you ignorant. I am talking about the low IQ Ignorant racists and bigots that attend his rallies and are all too eager to mix it up with anyone who dares to call Drumpf out on his disgusting rhetoric.
I do think you are misinformed if you believe he is the successful business man he says he is. He likes to say he is a builder but in actuality he doesn't build squat. All he does is license his name to already built buildings. He is not a self made man. He is a narcissist that was born into money.
Hey Hammy calling me ignorant isnt cool Bro. Getting a little low Little Brother. I could say the samething my friend if i wanted to get down in the mud. I promised i wouldnt,,,and you shouldnt. We are still family here Bro,,,with different ideas,,but that doesnt make us ignorant,,,just different. .. This is the crap Trump is seeing at his ralleys.
That's twice now that he brought out the name calling. Goes to show that if you don't agree with his view, you must be a fool or ignorant. How is that any different than the Trump followers?
The violence has come from Trump supporters so ask them.
No words justify violence. Unless you are Donald Drumpf. Then you get to incite violence when protesters peacefully protest.

There is no "unless".......... are you aware of what that may suggest?
There is no "unless".......... are you aware of what that may suggest?

No I don't have a clue what you are referring to. My point is No Words justify violence. Which is why Trump inciting it from his podium is disgusting.
So now your mad because his Dad had money,,and gave him the opportunity to become rich?
Lots of ppl were born into money,,,and are not BILLIONAIRS.
What the hell has Bernie done? I didnt even know who he was untill this election,,and wont remember him after it eather. Lol
My point is No Words justify violence.

I'm afraid your going to learn way to many Bernie peeps don't agree with this statement......... suggesting words can justify violence would mean that some women might deserve the beating they took at the hands of a man....imho
That's twice now that he brought out the name calling. Goes to show that if you don't agree with his view, you must be a fool or ignorant. How is that any different than the Trump followers?

Not true at all. People who yell racist and bigoted things at other people are Ignorant. That has nothing to do with my point of view. That is a fact. I don't care who you are. My father is an ignorant racist and bigot. It's sad but true.
So now your mad because his Dad had money,,and gave him the opportunity to become rich?
Lots of ppl were born into money,,,and are not BILLIONAIRS.
What the hell has Bernie done? I didnt even know who he was untill this election,,and wont remember him after it eather. Lol

No the point is he has not really been that successful considering the advantages he started with.
What has Bernie done?
Not true at all. People who yell racist and bigoted things at other people are Ignorant. That has nothing to do with my point of view. That is a fact. I don't care who you are. My father is an ignorant racist and bigot. It's sad but true.

I respect you Hammy....... I'm glad we both have the rights to debate this....... let's keep it third person...... and learn from each other...... learning is understanding.
I'm afraid your going to learn way to many Bernie peeps don't agree with this statement......... suggesting words can justify violence would mean that some women might deserve the beating they took at the hands of a man....imho

Who is suggesting words justify violence? I am suggesting the complete opposite.
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