donald and mj

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So when my guy wins,,,are yall still going to love Weedhopper? :smoke1:

I will say this as i always have,,,whom ever is my President, ,,is my President. I am proud to be an American and will always support Democracy.
I will still like ya WH, but I will be concerned with your choice, you don't seem the type.
What tha hell is going on with the Sanders supporters? They should be voting, ,,not attending Trump ralleys. Lo,
I will still like ya WH, but I will be concerned with your choice, you don't seem the type.

I am the type that will love you no matter what,,,i am the type that will jump in front of a bullet and die for you,,, if i call you a friend.
I dont dont even like the SOB,,,but i need to feed my family. I know the government,,,ive worked for them for several yrs,,they dont give a **** about you are me,,,neather does Donald Trump, ,,,but that asshat can get small business going again like Bill Clinton had **** going. Those other assholes could give a **** about us eather,,,but they are sold out to special interest. Donald Trump is sold out to Donald Trump and so is the asshat i have made lots of money from in the last 20yrs. Lo
I am an American Small Business Owner, ,,i know what it is to help feed families of the hard working Middle Class..cause i am the hard working Middle Class.
Are y'all watching the returns come in? I'm on msnbc.

I kind of feel bad for Rubio right now, I'm listening to his speech. There's a trump heckler there, lol..

Hate trump all we want, but many many people support him.
Are y'all watching the returns come in? I'm on msnbc.

I kind of feel bad for Rubio right now, I'm listening to his speech. There's a trump heckler there, lol..

Hate trump all we want, but many many people support him.

his final speech while running for president........ bye bye little Rubio
Kasick (??) needs to kick things into gear now...might be too late now though. :(
With Rubio gone, Cruz will start to get more votes. :(

Cruz has been getting a Giant free pass while the Donald Drumpf Circus has been Center Stage. Once the spot light gets placed on him his huge skeletons will come to light.
He is way too Religious Right for most Moderates and Independents and things like attending events with pastors who openly advocate the killing of Gay People will come back to haunt him. Then there is the whole Father is Bat Sheet Crazy thing. He believes Ted, I mean Rafael Edward Cruz, is the next coming of Christ. Don't get me wrong. He scares the hell out of me. I just don't think he could ever appeal to enough people with actual functioning brains.
As an agnostic, Cruz scares me more than trump does. I don't want a super religous president. Crazy saying that about the Donald, but it's true.
Kasick (??) needs to kick things into gear now...might be too late now though. :(

Kasich is the scariest to me because with the GOP having moved so far right and become so extreme he comes off as a Moderate Republican. Make no mistake. He is not a Moderate Republican at all. He opposes a Women's Right to make her own Medical Decisions. He wants to cut Social Security. He constantly injects his religious beliefs into legislation.
I've not really delved not learning his stance, but he does appear more presidential on the outside..

Sorry I keep posting, but watching everything and I'm sure my blood pressure is up...

not after today WH........ Kasich screwed himself from that by going all in on amnesty today if he gets elected.......... might have saved Ohio for him but he is done in the west.
Hey,,,im high and this is my story. In my story Kasich gets to be VP. :rofl:
who as a candidate once urged supporters to “bring a gun” to the knife fight
It wasnt me,,,i know nothing, ,,nothing. Lol
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