I will still like ya WH, but I will be concerned with your choice, you don't seem the type.
I am the type that will love you no matter what,,,i am the type that will jump in front of a bullet and die for you,,, if i call you a friend.
I dont dont even like the SOB,,,but i need to feed my family. I know the government,,,ive worked for them for several yrs,,they dont give a **** about you are me,,,neather does Donald Trump, ,,,but that asshat can get small business going again like Bill Clinton had **** going. Those other assholes could give a **** about us eather,,,but they are sold out to special interest. Donald Trump is sold out to Donald Trump and so is the asshat i have made lots of money from in the last 20yrs. Lo
I am an American Small Business Owner, ,,i know what it is to help feed families of the hard working Middle Class..cause i am the hard working Middle Class.