i'd say its quite possible yet prolly more likely taht it will also hermie on you wether it be erly on in flower and only be a nanner or two which are controllable by plucking or even as crazy as balls and nanners literally everywhere shootin all out in a matter of less than 48hrs. or even havin a girl way late in flower almost chop time and just throw a nanner or two then. but either way id say ya odds are leanin more towards endin up wit a herm in some shape/form or stage showin its signs etc...
jmo again.
buthey if its wat ya limited to i wouldnt complain. i too am on bagseeds. only my first grow which i revegged one from for mom now for clones was from bagseed but it came from a guy who knew the grower and teh strain and knew it was from a crop which was indeed pollinated by a male.
but my second grow. last harvest almost every one was herm all showin at diff times in flower and at diff extreemes like i listed above.
and the seeds for my first grow which came from bud which i smoked but had like a million seeds to each bud . it was almost solid seeds LOL. you drop a bud on a plate and they'd all pop out and ting ting cling on the plate . i still remember it LOL. it was nothin i ever seen before so many seeds in one single bud.
but the seeds for my last grow i harvested that hermed on me all came from buds that had like a seeds here, a seed there, maybe a few in this bud. kinda liek wat you got there.
just thought id let ya in on tidbits of how when etc herms come out an all that.
and just another FYI. if a plant thats in full bud starts throwin balls or nanners pretty bad or at an excessive rate. then odds are tehy're bout twice more as many that are growin within the buds as well which are almost imo impossible to keep under control. thats when i decide that its time to chop em.
but if ya dont give a dang if ya bud is seeded or not etc. then wat the hek right.
sorry so long man im jivin from caffein and im higher than a kite righ now LOL
good mornin :aok: