Dakota trial

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Hey thank you all for the comments.
We just got over 2 inches last night so that should be helping things out. I took a count and after pulling a male out this morning there are 28 out there.
I think I am going to pick up some type of bloom nutes from the store this week. I have some liquid nutes but there's no way I'm dealing with all that times 28.
The rain sure helped though. The male I pulled out today I just put in the ground not more than 4 or 5 days ago from a 4 gal bucket. It wasn't showing any sex and then some rain and it was clear as day.
that was exactly how the males i had were i hit a dry spell for couple weeks then cuple good days of rain to help some first nutes i put down run thru em an when the sun come out it was apparent who the dudes were lol.
28 huh? im jealous lol naw jus playin congratulations yo. i started wit 46 total all bout 8 inches high when i put em outdoors round mid to late april then we had that last snow round the begin of may that wiped out a good half of them then we had a hellacious wind an thunder storm that blew down **** load of tree branches big an small and the limbs all fell on another 10 or so then had 2 males and now down to the last 13 ladies for the last month now and no more signs of males.
13? lol wow i got 13 ladies. now how are u superstisious people? 13 a good or bad number lol i just know there's some superstition wit the number 13 is all.
but excellent job wig. wat kinda bloome nutes u puttin down? i used just some jobe's plant spikes higher in the P for bloomin and jobe's spikes thruout veging too but ones high in N i only stabbed 3 spikes in like every month or so and half way between i use a liquid fert by "expert" brand and ist high in P but i mix a really diluted batch of it more water than called for wit the liquid tho once a month between the spike stabbings lol
yeah i hear ya on the rain thing too. it been rainin on an off like lil showers the last few days too actually week bout. but when its dry and i gotta carry 2 six gal water jugs over quarter mile from my water source by hand twice every watering like every 3-4 days durin the drier weeks and do it twice meanin 2 trips to water hole wit them jugs in one nite makes me think of how i may feel if say somethin bad ever happened to them. al the blood sweat and apprehension etc that comin wit my hobby now i'd be flippin devastated if somethin went wrong an i lost the rest. hence why i ask bout the #13 superstition lol

lol i get a hint of discouragement wen sein pix of urs then mine round the same times an the difference but who knows butter luck next year. i never really put anythin down wit them when i first put them in til bout few weeks later maybe month started feedin them nutes first. maybe u lucked wit the sheep **** and blood meal there. i didnt wanna rish blood meal as it would attract other animals i figure and mountain lions are sighted monthly round here an thas the last thin i need is an encounter wit one in middle night by myself in middle of nowhere. lol..
I haven't decided on what to buy yet. I have so many plants that I'll have to get something that makes it easy and cheap for myself. I was thinking something along the lines of a slow release fert.

I was wondering zip, after a good rain or even a few days later how hard is it to get through your dirt? I barely have to push on the shovel after it rains and even after a few dry days its really easy. I was thinking about that when you mention the size differences. The area that they're in is a strip of land between 2 properties. The other weeds grow insanely in this area and most are about 5 to 6 feet tall so my plants have been blending well. This is all farm country and coming from a desert this is the most fertile land I've ever seen, definitely the darkest soil I've ever seen. So if these guys can get 200 bushels of corn an acre out here I should be able to get a few ounces of medicine out of 30 or so plants.

I don't know if I mentioned it but these were clones of clones and they were about 8 to 12 inches when they finished hardening off. They were taken from a flowering plant as well so they were lookin all freaky when I put them in the ground. Maybe that lent to the bushiness? Actually most of them were that way but a few were re-vegged and the "orange pot" pot was taken from a really strong vegging plant.
I went through my archive and found 3 examples of what most of mine looked like when they went in.

theres two areas i got plants at but they almost in same general area. one spot is like nothin but practically sand and them seem to be the ones that are all doin best so long as they gettin water and nutes regularly. i only got 3 in that area tho. and lil ways away i got the rest its pretty ok dirt for just comin cross it in mother nature like that round here. but as far as dirt stayin pretty soft after rain an few days.... my dirts usually always soft i put in plant spikes like once a month just for lil somethin extra boost and they go right into the soil wit ease. i can push them down in soil their whole length plus couple inches wit simple ease.

and the last pic ya just put up... my ladies were no where near urs when i put outside. they was bout more half that. just startin their third nodes on em. and they were just some bag seed i saved for couple years from so good mids or some decent brick. so yeah if urs were pretty much predetermined sex bein clones an all that then i'd say that has lot to do witht the diff. i started from germ seeds back in late march early april sometime. just wish mine looked that good lol... excellent job tho... also my soil wasnty in any way prepared other than dig a hole loosen dirt mix in handful perilite and expert time release nutes high in N and put em in an half gallon water an let em be for bout few weeks and first went to se em..
hey elwigum was just curious bout somethin today after readin on helicopter fly overs lookin for mj crops. well i aint never herd really any hype of this in our neck the woods but wat u think do they really do this dsort thing round these parts that u herd or know of. or is it in just mostly the southern states more where they got much more and larger grows goin on.
I have spent a bit of time thinking and talking about air searching.
I'm thinking that around my area there are more arguments as to why there isn't going to be any then why there will/might be.
For one thing there are tons of wild hemp scattered around here. While I have never come across any, one of my two neighbors brought over 5 foot hemp plant about 2 weeks ago. That was an interesting moment for my roommates. So why would anyone want to fly around and look for pot only to have to waste the manpower to distiguish them.
The planes that have been flying around have been crop dusters for the most part. I have yet to see/hear one go directly over the property, probably because we don't have any crops and I would imagine the pilots would consider it rude. Plus one should worry more about what one doesn't hear/see rather than the overt.
On a similar topic I heard on the radio today that one of the K9 unit officers in this area was busted with weed, paraphernalia and consumption on Sunday. I just had to laugh, and cringe.

I bought 2 types of bloom fertilizers tonight. I got 5 steaks for fruit and bloom as well as some miracle grow slow release. I know there is tons of info on here about not using the miracle grow but I don't know what else to use. The bugs are so bad I can't be out at each plant more than half a minute plus there are so many that I can't lug water ferts out to each one.
If anyone has any ideas I would love to here them.
I only bought 5 spikes so I'll give one each to 5 plants.

I pulled out a male today and it had quite a few slugs. I was watching Jorge Cerventes' DVD and he suggested making a circle of lime around the base of each plant so I might give that a shot but the slugs don't really seem to be hurting anything. I applied sevin a few months ago for the holes in the leaves and everything that has grown out since has been hole free. I don't even know what was causing that. In the beginning there was also some foamy spots that cleared up too.
for ferts to m,ix with watering i use expert brand its a green powder u mix wit ya water and use jobe's plant spikes they have really high numbers per the N-P-K line. and they very cheap like pack of 30-50 for maybe buck or two i use the spikes as slow release and use the water mix but dilute it like 2/4 the dose cuz im guessin the spikes will make up for the rest. and i dont wanna burn them roots either. haven't really gave much thought to foliage sprays tho either. was considerin doin it once. and today im goin out tonight and startin wit the cornsyrup watering method i herd bout there a good thread by member "noodles" on corn syrup or mollasses its very technical as two other members get to a pretty good debate over the use of it and why etc... i decided im gonna try it on few girls see if there is a diff in the end.
i dont think there too much to worry as far as any fly overs are concerned but was jus curious if u herd anythin otherwise. thanks.
I just picked up some black-strap molasseses from the health food store. Finally something that doesn't break the bank. This place as a whole is pricey and the smaller of the 2 bottles was only 3.06. I am only using that on the indoor ones.
so wat ya think elwigum.... ya think we'll both be able to beat the first frost this year? i been really stewin on that the last few daysi only got high once in the last few days which is the longest i gone in 2 years almost now witout and whenim sober i tend to be very worry worry bout lotta things i no control over lol..
i hope i can beat the frost. what kind of plants in that fence cage had that purple stem? it looks very similar to one of my plants, and idea?
zipflip said:
so wat ya think elwigum.... ya think we'll both be able to beat the first frost this year? i been really stewin on that the last few daysi only got high once in the last few days which is the longest i gone in 2 years almost now witout and whenim sober i tend to be very worry worry bout lotta things i no control over lol..

Ya know I've been thinking about this for a few days now and honestly I just don't know. I have national weather data saying that there is a 90% chance of the first one by October 5th. Then I have people who live around here saying mid to late October for consistent freezes, so I don't know.
Honestly I think you (Zip) have a better chance at a harvest than I do since you're actually flowering. None of mine have formed anything beyond a single pair of hairs. So if mine don't get with the program I'll be cutting them down in mid-Sept just to get rid of them.
Dub_j said:
i hope i can beat the frost. what kind of plants in that fence cage had that purple stem? it looks very similar to one of my plants, and idea?

The one that has more of a purple hue is an indica that I harvested and them re-vegged and then hardened off. While I was hardening it off it turned really purple, as did some of the other plants. I assumed it was a chemical that toughened it up for the outdoors.
elwigum said:
Ya know I've been thinking about this for a few days now and honestly I just don't know. I have national weather data saying that there is a 90% chance of the first one by October 5th. Then I have people who live around here saying mid to late October for consistent freezes, so I don't know.
Honestly I think you (Zip) have a better chance at a harvest than I do since you're actually flowering. None of mine have formed anything beyond a single pair of hairs. So if mine don't get with the program I'll be cutting them down in mid-Sept just to get rid of them.

really tho i think they might be able to survive a really ever so slight frost one time but who knows. im jus thinkin this cuz mine so far have with stood alot from mother nature already especially after i put them outside an we get a freak late small snow that packed like 4 inches of it on ground tho it was all melted by noon but i'm not sure if that was wat killed off almost half of my gross put down outdoors which was originally 43 or 46 giver or take all bout 6 inches tall if i member right lol but it also coulda just been shock prior to the snow i not sure as after i put them outside bout 2 weeks before the storm i hadn't gone back to my gardenb for the first almost month of their grow. was tied up life wise for a bit there lol.... came back to em erly june about and only found like half left standing .
i'll post a thread askin around if anyone else has fought frost wit their grows an ask for some words of wisdom on it (fingers crossed)

found another male too. pix of it on my grow link below in sig.

just posted the thread hopefully good answers advice wisdom will come to me http://www.marijuanapassion.com/forum/showthread.php?p=302928#post302928
So after a few weeks without rain I decided to manually water the ladies since my slow release pellets weren't going to dissolve themselves. After all that work it rains last night for a few minutes.
Well here is an update on the flowering. I don't know if these ladies can wrap things up in 4 to 6 weeks but we'll see.
The one that is most flowered out is the two 4 gallon buckets I just put in the ground last week. I mixed the pellets in with the root base and they were starting within a few days. If I were to do this again I think that I would grow them in the buckets and put them in the ground after the solstice. The ones I just put in are ready to take off and they are nice and petite.

Most of the plants are 5 to 6 feet with one at 7 already. I don't suppose they will feel like getting shorter and stealthier in the next month.



from looks of ya pix, mine are just right long side urs as far as progress goes.

Dont be so pessimistic bro, lol they should prevail. (crossin fingers) i posted a thread askin how mj handles frost and way it sounds they can handle a few light frosts which i think is wat io was more fraid of myself too.

i had to pull 4 males in the last four months and i found two more that were like MIA lol. a storm blew som trees down round my grow couple months back broke off a few plants and killed couple but there were stumps of them two remainin im guessin cuz the two i discovewred are now only bout foot tall and startin to move into flower as wel;l right long side the others. so im gonna have two bonzai MJ's lol they cuterthan the dickens lol.

i'll be devastated if they dont make it til maturity myself:-(
my tallest one now is up to my chin by almost couple inches. and it for sure a female. so that makes me ecstatic. and my biggest prior ended up bein male so that sucked.
if worse comes to worse and it gets too frosty at night i guess i'll be doin some october campin in my car so i can put some gunny potato sacks over them at night and take em back off first light. that'll be interesting im sure lol but who kows.
so how but u? any males pop out or herms at all for u?

I wish u luck and crossin my fingerrs for both us on our comin october seasonal situation man.
i'm definately doin some indoors this winter startin it round thanksgiving time assuming i get my grow box and set up built and all the necessary materials etc...
But good luck man. thanks for sharrin the pix. u take any updated full body shots of the gals fully exposed? lol

P.S. ur first pic... ur stems are really reddish/purple... is that just per the strain u got there or if not i think u might have some sort a deficiency goin on there. im no expert but i read alot bout purpling stems being result of magnesium deficiency or sorts... Can anyone here confirm this?
So here is another update. The little 4 gallon transplants are way more developed than the rest. I suppose this is due to me mixing the fert pellets with the roots when I put them in the ground. The rest of the plants I just sprinkled the recommended dose around the base. I could only afford a couple of fert steaks so I put those around the multiple plant sights.







no sign of buds yet for u either huh?

the orange pot one looks pretty intense tho.

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