Daily grow guide with a beginner.

  • Thread starter PeaceLove&FreeBudz
  • Start date
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Oct 26
So today i deccided to build a clone box, so i can place the CFLs in it and then run my HPS in my other room. so i cn have it set up for perpetual growing. The box has a shelf i can remove and stick my current "experiment" in it an continue to use the CFLs until i get a HPS light....

Any ideas on a cheap cheap web site, for 250w to 400w HPS lights?

Oct 27
So after leaving her in my clone veg box over night, she seemed perfect. I checked her moistand was drying out, and shes angled a bit at the top from the fan i think so im going to rotate her.

Oct 28
Ok so today i decided to give her some watering and NUTs.
I fed her some Vigoro about 1/4 the serving they suggest. and i gave her some water as well. so everything is starting to come to me.

at the beginning i wanted to do to much, when really you need to sit and just do enough.
Shes at about 4 1/2 inches. so in about 8 days thers been an inch of growth under cfls.

Oct 29
What i believe to be the 4th internode is growing nicely. The leaves are only about an inch in length so far but it hasnt been two days yet. Im figureing sex of the plant will be known in a week and a half.

I posted some like 3 days ago, and i said i would post some tomorrow.

But as a fellow stoner i understand you need pictures:D

so here ya go:hubba:




Lovely! How old is this one? My 2 week old is a little bigger, but i have a duo. i pinched it when it was really a baby and not i have dual main stems, which are 5 inches long. Looks pretty damn cool.
Actually Shes pretty old. shes just going on 4 weeks. The thig is though i did alot ....and i mean alot of messing up in the begging so i stunted her growth and was mistreating her.

she has just show real growth in the last week because ive leveled out everything. and i can see what they mean when they say " they will enjoy there enviorment" cause shes deffenetly moven now.

Check back in like 4 days and ill have more pictures and you can see what i mean.

Live and learn.

next batch of three is coming from the clinic and its finally gonna be a clone.
so much easier and saves soooooooooo much time
Hello PL&FB. Welcome to MP.


what is the medium your using? looks to heavy to be vegging in. jmo. is this your first grow? i never give any feed for at least 3-5 weeks. usually more like 5. then i start out light. usually at quarter strength. do you have a ph test kit? if not , get one. ph your water to 6.5-7.0 for soil grow. ph your water , then let it stand for 2-4 days before using , then check it again prior to using , to make sure the #'s have'nt changed. we'll need the dimensions of your veg box also. this is so we can direct you to how many watts of cfls' to use. a good ( cheap ) place to get MH , and HPS online is htg supply. if you live in Cali? ( i thought i read that ) , you are most likely within driving distance to the local hydro supplier. ohhh, and spend some time reading the site, the info here is 'on top of the game'. if you need to know Anything , just ask. thats what were here for (girl?). your baby is looking good , but she is very under-developed for her age. i would have to say the early nutes are to blame for this. and , germ you some more seeds'. you got 1 growing. if she's a he , you'll be bummed you did'nt start a few more. wow. got the buzz, now i'm rattling. if you want direction , ? , just holla. good luck...bb...
Ya i would be bummed if it turned out to b a he, but im only really using this one so i wouldnt burn the next ones and i could get the hang of watering, NUTS and lights.
I need to get a good light.
I live in the greater LA area in cali.
Im thinking about going to Oaksterdam University,
I dunno how legit it is though.
Seems extremly informational.

But ya i need to get on some bette rmedium i new that sorta going into this.
But again im a noob and i sorta went into this picking up things as i go.
I bought a few books, doing lots of reading.
but im starting to progress at it.
I just make sure to get on here and post up some questions and hope for some good feed back.

cheers mate
I was looking at my plant today, and i was thinken. as you can see in the above pictures. could i maybe tie some thread lightly around the upper full branches and gently pull them down to expose for more light?

Just an idea.
Just using this grow as an experiment to test diffrent situations.
yeah, go ahead and tie her down.:hubba: . i mean , if it has been over a week since the flush. and this is depending on how much light, and how much air flowage you got? when you tweak your baby, you wanna give her time to heal from the punishment you've inflicted on her. you follow'in?
seriously friend, if this is your first time, i'd throw a few more beans in the soil to 'practice' on. you got a fan blow'in 'cross your 'lil one? just a light, cool breeze. make that top move a bit . that'll make 'her' strong. what's the lights' your using? cfls? how many? what size of space we talk'in? theres alot of variances. practice, makes perfect. thats all our goals'.
no more nutes right now. got a ph test kit? need some info to help you , so you can be tok'in the best of the best...bb...
I have been writing what i have from the beginning, but i guess i should constantly keep reminding people since there shall be new readers.
Im using 2 blue 2 natural cfls. so four in total.
Obviously this is until i get my HPS.
Im ordering two of the 20$ tomorrow. so in a week i should have them going.

I do run a fan on her about 6 to 12 hours a day.
Shes in a box right now.

So the box is about 3 feet long and 3/12 feet tall. mind you its just for seedlings and early veg. then its off to the the two hps room. and its 3x3 and 16 feet tall.
its a closet grow.

I know i need practice but im confident i understand enough to get a decent grow going.
this grow is to figure out the timing, and what a burn, lack of water, too much water, no NUTS, too much NUTs...etc is like.

But in one month youd be amazed how much one can learn from reading and getting hands on.

Oaksterdam university anyone?

Im just asking questions
I just love how if you look at the pictures you can see the NOOB in my burnt leaves. hahaha

Gotta love life and gotta keep growing.

Mistakes feel good, as long as you realize and learn from it. and its your first grow hahaha
its all good bro, we all gotta lurn my sett up might be primtive right now, but my plants sure don't mind it, they are growing amazeing my mazar is just now over 3 weeks old, an my haze turned 2 weeks today an all of them are growing great, my mazar got atlest 8 nodes on it, an its branching out, lots of under groth. so just keep tweaking it an keep on reading bro u will get it.



So i just tied them down. hers some pictures. did it 5 minutes ago so there fresh.

Hey wiseguy chef....what lights you running and how are you running them...

cheers mate
You'd be suprised what you can do on your first try man. My buddy vegged a plant from seed under a 17 Watt Natural Light CFL (Long horse-shoe type tube, not a coil) for 3 weeks and it was bigger than some of my outdoor plants. It was awe-inspiring actually. It was a simple reading desk lamp, he had it in a tall speaker box with a small desk fan(go figure) Eventually he got two 42 watt CFL's but the amount of growth he had keeping that sprout maybe an inch from that CFL tube....wow. I was impressed.

He actually harvested over 100 grams dry off that plant later on too. He did have a HPS for flowering, but the 17 watt CFL didn't do it any harm is what I am trying to get at here.....

Long story short, anything can happen.....

....And Ghost Dad is the greatest movie ever made. :p
dam 100 grams.

thatll be a great day if thathappend first try.

if it dose ill make sure i come find you and give you your dues for your good mojo trent45.

im wishes for the best. i mean its a first grow so im not hoping for to much, just going from beginnning to end and learning as i go.

best luck
PeaceLove&FreeBudz said:
I have been writing what i have from the beginning, but i guess i should constantly keep reminding people since there shall be new readers.
Im using 2 blue 2 natural cfls. so four in total.
Obviously this is until i get my HPS.
Im ordering two of the 20$ tomorrow. so in a week i should have them going.

> how many watts are the cfls'? gotta give an 'ol man some slack. if i could remember all i've read , i would be 'totally' insane.
are we talk'in about the $20.00 hps mentioned on the site recently? are they 70's? , or 150's?...bb...

I do run a fan on her about 6 to 12 hours a day.
Shes in a box right now.

>leave that fan going 24/7. leave those lights going 24/7- 18/6 minimum. ( you would'nt believe what i veg in. :) )...bb...

So the box is about 3 feet long and 3/12 feet tall. mind you its just for seedlings and early veg. then its off to the the two hps room. and its 3x3 and 16 feet tall.
its a closet grow.

dang girl. thats one tall closet.:hubba: . veg box sounds good size. ( basically , same size as my veg rm.)...bb...

I know i need practice but im confident i understand enough to get a decent grow going.

> and 'i believe' you got what it takes. no harm , no foul.:) . need a little more info to pass on 'a bit 'o my 30 some odd year knowledge. wanna grow with "the best" ?...bb...

But in one month youd be amazed how much one can learn from reading and getting hands on.

> we want to help you be all you can be in the art of the grow game. thats why i'm still here. it's all about sharing the know how. i'm sure a few of my MP friends will get on board...bb...

Im just asking questions

> as i said friend , there is alot of knowledge to be had here. you'll get alot by reading. then when you think you can learn no more ; pass what you know to the next in line. were all here to help each other. we all have the same 'passion'...bb...

> BTW , nice. i like it. 'she's' ready for a touch of bein' tied down. a bit each day. go slow. just a little each day. and when you get her where you want her , give her a week or so to regain her composure. good luck PLFBudz...bb...

:48: ...bb...
O most deffenetly will i pass on anything knowledge i gain.
I hope the best for all your grows and may mary jane herself bless you with the greatest of fortune.

Everyday i try to give some insite to some post i come across.
PeaceLove&FreeBudz said:

I also went to my local Lowes home improvment and bought a PH,Moister checker.

I checked my levels and all was fine.[/quote/]...

>>> ^^^ my bad ^^^<<<
cheack out my grow jornal, just click the link, on page 2 there are pics an info about the CFL's that i am useing for veggie stage.
Ya i did actually right after i wrote that hahh my bad

But jus t to update you all i added another two cfls. so i have 6 totall. and ive ordered the $20 hps 150w. I ordered two of them.
so in a week or so ill turn them on and let her eat.

So now i got the 6 CFLs for seedling thru mid veg.
then HPS for late veg and flowering.

starting to get it together.!

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