kaotik said:must've been high eh? sounds like stoned thinking; "nah, that angle's alright, i'll be fine"
hope your alright though m8 can't be doing that stupid stuff no more (that's what your kids are for )
420benny said:Man, 4u, don't do that to yourself. I wish I was closer. I would help you cover that garden. Try this when you feel up to it. Tie some rope to the corners and the middle of one side of the cover. Place the cover along one side of the garden. Toss the ropes over the supports. Slowly pull it up from the other side. Get your kid to hold one end while you do the other. You can use gal. milk jugs filled with water as weights to keep the plastic cover tight. Let me know if I can help.
2Dog said:I hope you feel better soon!! no plant is worth breaking your neck over.