The temperature fell into the low 20's right after I started finishing. I made a mess testing a couple of areas that hadn't dried, and decided to wait a couple of days. Probably won't get much more done before Friday now, though I did go over most of the room with a sanding block, and patched a few places I had missed previously.
The freak clones are starting to take over. I went from having almost none of them root, to all of them rooting at once. So there are 11 clones, two of which are from the original smaller plant. I have two more cuttings from the smaller plant in the cloner that are less than a week old. They were in flower when I took them, so if they root, they still have some revegging to do.
There are also three seedlines out of maybe 20 seeds that both popped and survived. More than half did eventually pop, but died in the first week. The tap root would swell like a carrot, but not get any longer. I should have taken pics. The one extra small seedling isn't out of the woods yet, but it did open its leaves and push up into the light, so it's looking good. One of those better be a male!
There is also a Grease Monkey fem in a solo cup, and two random autos from the seeds I gathered. I took them from the cull pile, so I'm not sure what they really are. Brussel Sprouts are going out next week after the pool builders finally clean up our yard and move their crap out of the way.