Crash Journal

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I realized this morning the GDP Autos had two males instead of one. In hindsight the pics from before clearly show the second one as a male. But it's definitely a late bloomer, so as @Carty recommends I culled the first early blooming male. Well, I pulled it out of the tent. I still want to collect some pollen, even if I don't have a use for it yet. So I'm down to two females, one from Carty and one from MNSL. Planning to just leave them in the tent with the male and let the fans move the pollen around.

I'll post pics tonight or tomorrow. I was in a rush this morning.
Here they are, minus the extra male. The smaller ones are BSHW, though one of them was supposed to be a Supafreak. Not sure what happened there.


Here's the late flowering male I'm keeping. The ugly leaves are the work of the MG soil I used - never again.


And the first male sitting next to my coffee plant... Already collected some pollen from it. ANd it has the same rusty tipped leaves from mixing in the nasty MG soil. I think that stuff has caused more harm than the spider mites ever did.

The autos are filling out quick. I can already see pollen blowing around some. The GDPA on the right has some strange looking buds. They're more narrow and elongated. Haven't seen buds like that before.



The BSHW plants are finally starting to darken up. I think I should have soaked the coco-perlie mix in some nutes instead of tap water. I've been feeding the 20-20-20 every other day, they look so hungry.

The last plant, post salad spinner. The poor thing was too ugly to posy with leaves still on it : ) I just have the autos and a few BSHW in early veg to breed. Going to take a break after that, maybe grow some autos in the DWC over the winter in the grow room, and pack up the tents until next fall.

The CSM I stuck outside is looking better. It's still ugly, but all of its new leaves look normal. I had some feminized CSM pollen from last December and decided to try it. I don't know if the pollen is any good, but I would be happy with even a few seeds since I only have one left.

This MXTL was not much more than a stick with a few rusty leaves when I stuck it outside. It turned out to have some nice looking buds, even if they aren't very big. It's time to chop it and deny the leaf hoppers their next meal.



I realized this morning the GDP Autos had two males instead of one. In hindsight the pics from before clearly show the second one as a male. But it's definitely a late bloomer, so as @Carty recommends I culled the first early blooming male. Well, I pulled it out of the tent. I still want to collect some pollen, even if I don't have a use for it yet. So I'm down to two females, one from Carty and one from MNSL. Planning to just leave them in the tent with the male and let the fans move the pollen around.

I'll post pics tonight or tomorrow. I was in a rush this morning.
Crash can you explain how to breed autos
Is it done with an auto and a photo or just autos only
I read up on it once but want to hear it from someone who has done it, Make auto seeds . Will seeds produced from the breeding all be autos or can some be photo?
Crash can you explain how to breed autos
Is it done with an auto and a photo or just autos only
I read up on it once but want to hear it from someone who has done it, Make auto seeds . Will seeds produced from the breeding all be autos or can some be photo?
It's auto to auto. You can use regular seeds to get a mix or you can reverse a female or even just one branch on it to get feminized seeds.

Only reason to cross with a photo is to convert the photo "strain" to an auto. I mostly prefer photos, so I haven't tried it yet. I have read it can take quite a few back crosses to retain the original photo's primary traits while making it an auto.
Hmm, I knew it was a male just by the way it towered over its sisters, but it's not supposed to be flowering under 18/6 <sigh>. Now I have to decide whether to put the two young female BSHW plants in a tent with the male, or toss the male and reverse one of the females later. Probably the later. Last thing I want to do is expand into another tent when I'm supposed to be down sizing. Not like I don't have plenty of regular BSHW seeds, they just take forever to germinate.

Hmm, I knew it was a male just by the way it towered over its sisters, but it's not supposed to be flowering under 18/6 <sigh>. Now I have to decide whether to put the two young female BSHW plants in a tent with the male, or toss the male and reverse one of the females later. Probably the later. Last thing I want to do is expand into another tent when I'm supposed to be down sizing. Not like I don't have plenty of regular BSHW seeds, they just take forever to germinate.

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Those dreaded balls
The GDPA plants are at around week four of flower. They seem to be done growing new pistils, and almost every pistil that did grow has been pollinated. Of course, the male is still dusting the tent with pollen and I have been collecting pollen from the second male I pulled out of the tent. Anyway, wondering if I can give them more nutes or light or something to get them to grow some more pistils to pollinate. I figure if I'm going to pollinate the entire plant I should be trying to maximize the number of seeds it grows.




The GDPA plants are at around week four of flower. They seem to be done growing new pistils, and almost every pistil that did grow has been pollinated. Of course, the male is still dusting the tent with pollen and I have been collecting pollen from the second male I pulled out of the tent. Anyway, wondering if I can give them more nutes or light or something to get them to grow some more pistils to pollinate. I figure if I'm going to pollinate the entire plant I should be trying to maximize the number of seeds it grows.

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if you can wait u til some of those seed pods start turning a little brown , they are mature and done
I can wait as long as they need. If they aren't done when the BSHW plants are ready to flip, I can always pull them out of the tent. I have a light in the main shop for my habanero plant that will keep them going. Might be time to chop the males, though, and collect what pollen is left.
we love making seeds around here!

we have about a half dozen plants to harvest and collect seeds….hopefully several hundred!
I am trying to learn this. My first go round with seeds failed. I got nothing but a dead plant and about 50 very immature seeds that wont pop. Hoping thing are better this try. Now that I have read up thoroughly on the subject. Love all the threads.

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