Stop your whinning ya big sissy. Lol
Yep Little Brother, ,i will get high with yas. And its okay ifen ya dont like him,,,nether do i. Never have LIKED him.......Its not about whom i like,,its about whom i think will help my business, ,,,,feed the families of ppl who rely on me to pay their bills and send their kids to school. Who look to me for Christmas Bonuses. I dont give a rats *** if ppl like him,,,its about fixing our screwed up Economy and our Country thats going to hell in a hand basket with a bunch if whining *** ppl trying to find their safe place to eat chocolate and cry about how tough life is. That is not how we became the USA of America with a bunch of whiny *** babies running from the truth.
Really? Sessions is the only one? He has loaded his picks with wealthy people. Can you say Oligarchy?
Because i work for the Federal Government and the Contract i been waiting on is with an Agency he is putting more money into,, and GSA ,,,was given a thumbs to restart the DOD projects. Ive seen other projects already taken off the table because he has promised to cut thier funds. Even the building Gaurds and Homeland security officers are happy and talking about Trump. The Federal Buildings are already preparing for the new Administration to move in. Ive been doing Federal work for over 20yrs,,they are very excited. Havent seen them like this in along time.
You dont realize how many ppl this effects in Construction all over the US.
And thank you Rose for caring. You are an awesome lady.
Couple weeks ago i installed 32 bullet proof pass thru windows in the SSA in Little Rock. That has to do with Security, ,and my boy Trump is big on Security. Hope i get some more jobs like that.