Could Jeff Sessions End Legal Marijuana?

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I see you guys have been busy. Im in my hotel room bout to smoke a bowl. Yehaaaaaaaa
And yes Rose is correct,,these Bikers could give two shits about women protesters. Well,,they they might be there the next day to watch the all the women and whistle. Lol
And Bikers have as much right to support Trump as the others that are there that dont support Trump. Every Outlaw Biker club in America is a Trump Supporter ,,for a reason. The Bikers for Trump organization got started because of the Hells Angels::::AND OTHER OUTLAW CLUBS:::Like THE OUTLAWS:::edited JUST for Orange ,,,,:smoke1:
There are hundreds of thousands of Bikers that have pledged to vote for Trump in 4yrs,,,and im guessing Orange aint one of them. Lol
HA started bikers for Trump...r u fkingoing kidding me? I call b...s....I gonna do a bit of fact checking on that seems to be a tall tail mr. WH
HA started bikers for Trump...r u fkingoing kidding me? I call b...s....I gonna do a bit of fact checking on that seems to be a tall tail mr. WH
Huh??? You high Orange? Lets hope so.
Not started by,,,but because of. And yes they have been at some of his rallies.
All Biker clubs,,especially Outlaw Clubs were started because of the HA because they were so well known and glamorised.
Bikers for trump are not Hell Angels. The Hells Angels dont need any
And be Careful Orange. Now your getting personal my friend. Why?
Ask the fking Hells Angels who they are supporting. You know some HA my friend? If you did you wouldnt be asking these questions and messing with my buzzzzzzzz.

Oh and Thank You for calling me MR Weedhopper. Now i really feel old. :rofl:
CLEVELAND - Get ready for a large group of biker enthusiasts to patrol Cleveland streets during the Republican National Convention and protect Trump supporters.

“We’re going to do our best to see that our delegates stay safe, that women and elderly people aren’t having eggs thrown in their face, that they’re not being accosted and subject to civil disobedience,” said Chris Cox, founder of Bikers for Trump.

Cox, a South Carolina resident who arrived in Cleveland this week, said Bikers for Trump is not looking for a fight during the RNC. Rather, he said he and his fellow bikers will head downtown to help keep others calm. The group also will help protect police.

“We encourage people around the country to spend less time bashing the candidate you don’t like and more time supporting the one you do like,” he added.

It's unknown just how many Bikers for Trump members will show up in Cleveland next week but Cox said to expect a large and visible presence.

“We have bikers coming from as far as Arizona and California, Florida, New York,” he said.

Cox's group, which he said he funds by himself, began nearly a year ago. Since then it has held rallies for Trump around the country.

Besides Bikers for Trump, a local Craigslist posting indicates that the Hells Angels are planning a similar approach during convention week. It advertises private security for Trump supporters and says "it will stomp any aggressive protester with an equal amount of force and pepper spray."

Cox said his group is not affiliated with the Hells Angels and is non-violent. Hells Angels did not respond to our interview request.
Orange,,stop jacking with me. Im trying to get high and you keep asking questions that mess witn my High. :smoke1:
Unlock your door,,some HA are coming over to bring you your Colors. :rofl:

And besides i aint going to anything called "The Wall Of Meat",,,thats just nasty. Lol
Orange,,stop jacking with me. Im trying to get high and you keep asking questions that mess witn my High. :smoke1:
Unlock your door,,some HA are coming over to bring you your Colors. :rofl:

And besides i aint going to anything called "The Wall Of Meat",,,thats just nasty. Lol

no more jacking around from me old guy---don't want to mess with your high--- being a nobody from nowheresville---i truly never heard of a wall of meat---no disrespect---no drama---hope all goes well and nobody gets hurt---lets get zooted :48:
Morning Orange,,,yeah im getten old,,and my old ace is going to work. Lol
Yeah Bro i hope everything goes well. Time for us to move on and hope for the best.
Now i gotta make coffee. Yehaaaaaaaaa
And i wish i had never heard of the wall of Meat. Should of been wall of leather or something, ,the meat thing is stupid.
After reading this, I need to get higher :bong:

I am very high,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:shocked:
Ducks girlfriend said he taste like Chicken :rofl:
so i heard just a couple days ago that there are 3 bills in the senate addressing the declassification from a schedule 1. Keeping my eye out as this will be a huge indicator to the posture and direction sessions cheetoman and the fed will be leaning in dealing with the states. keep your fingers and toes crossed kids!
Orange, could you give us more info? I searched on current legislation and I could find nothing at all on any kind of cannabis declassification.
Orange, could you give us more info? I searched on current legislation and I could find nothing at all on any kind of cannabis declassification.

i will when i get some time---you know it's buried in another bill somewheres---i saw a woman rattle off the #s the other day---unfortunately im sure it's not on the priority list---if you know what i mean---lol

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