Good information as usual gixxerman. Are there any threads on here you know that cover 'lst' step by step for dummies? I know its pretty much tie down, but I am wondering if there is a secret to the tying. I will try to get some pictures of the tie down i did. I would say the main stem instead of being a good straight 90 degree angle, i brought it down to about 60 degrees incline. My plan is to probably bring it all the way to 45 degrees. ****However, as I have seen when i tied it down initially. Some branches get too close to the ground, almost lying against the ground i would say. What do i with these branches??? I cut one down because since it had some contact with the ground there was damage on it that was not present on the others.
Note: As you can see from the pictures, and the setup i have around the plant. It does not receive any direct sunlight, harldly any i would say. Doing 'lst' I have noticed makes it receive much less sunlight than the little it is already receiving. Any thoughts??? I will also try to do a thread on all the insects i encounter in my garden with pictures included. I think some might be a GRAVE issue.