Competition - One plant in restricted grow area

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.7 cubic meters = 25 square feet.

So 2' wide x 3' deep x 4' tall = 24 sq. ft.

Or, 2' x 2'x 6' tall = 24 sq ft.

Something in that range for all of us on this side of the pond!
That is correctly OldSkool... And thanks for the conversion.
Hey RP.

I'd join ya but I got a cab full of colas right now! :)
I'd love to go up against some of the best...
OldSkool that is one hell of a compliment right there.. You are welcome to join whenever you are ready.. I think this competition is gonna run until March or something like that anyways.
Come on in old school. Ok Guys n gals here is mai li today, ran the time table risky you me and ken all had our ladies break soil at the same time, Where's everybody at? Showtime!




It's growing pretty slow, this is 3 weeks since she poped out of the coco. But i don't worry, some just behave like this.

Last couple of days have been some of the best in my life, except the swineflu. My team won the national league last sunday in the game of the century against our biggest rivals. And this comming sunday we are playing the final in the national cup at our home stadium against the same team! Historical events in my world. Champions league here we come (ok, we do have to qualify first)! Last time, in 99, we played both Barcelona and Arsenal. Got our ***** kicked, of course, but still, does not get greater than that in the world of football.

It turns out that the Hydroponics is harder to manage that I could have imagined. First of the res-change, and fertilizer is a science in itself. 2nd soooo much water evaporate, and I need to fill in a couple of liters every second day. 3rd the PH is quite hard to stabilize. Well I'm trying my best.

Here is my baby.. She is getting really bushy and I've started LST on her. The stretch is not quite enough, so I tried to move the lamp a bit further away.

KK: But you are not going to South Africa are you? :p Sorry bro, I had to give it to you at some point.

Day 022 - 01.jpg

Day 022 - 02.jpg
RiskyPack said:
It turns out that the Hydroponics is harder to manage that I could have imagined. First of the res-change, and fertilizer is a science in itself. 2nd soooo much water evaporate, and I need to fill in a couple of liters every second day. 3rd the PH is quite hard to stabilize. Well I'm trying my best.

Here is my baby.. She is getting really bushy and I've started LST on her. The stretch is not quite enough, so I tried to move the lamp a bit further away.

KK: But you are not going to South Africa are you? :p Sorry bro, I had to give it to you at some point.

Does not look like hydro is that hard to do, she's looking great! And she's outgrowing my baby by far. Good work and keep it up.

Hehe, south africa... It's a shame you guys made us miss it, allthough i really don't care that much. But the world cup is great entertainment, not the same if your country does not participate. BTW, what happened to that guy who punched the ref a couple of years ago in a sweden-denmark game? Did they drop the charges or is he being sued? I heard some rumours about a multi-million lawsuit...
In Denmark he is nicknamed "fodbold-tossen". I think the lawsuits are still going on... He got a pretty severe punishment, but I think he appealed the case.. He got a new identity and moved to another place from what i heard.. I think he was in a lot more real danger than the guy who made the Mohamed drawings.

Well thanks... Your plant will take off soon, I'm sure. How much nutes are you feeding her? How is the heat? It is so cold here right now that it is pretty easy to keep the grow room cold :)
RiskyPack said:
In Denmark he is nicknamed "fodbold-tossen". I think the lawsuits are still going on... He got a pretty severe punishment, but I think he appealed the case.. He got a new identity and moved to another place from what i heard.. I think he was in a lot more real danger than the guy who made the Mohamed drawings.

Well thanks... Your plant will take off soon, I'm sure. How much nutes are you feeding her? How is the heat? It is so cold here right now that it is pretty easy to keep the grow room cold :)

Don't know thw ppm's, but atm i'm giving 1/3 of recomended dose in veg. The ssh, being a sativa dom, does not need that much nutes. Plus they always put the maximum amounts in the instructions for some reason (selling more perhaps?). But yeah, i think she's gona take off now. The pinching took some time to heal, but i think it was worth it. Stem looks like it's going to be sturdy, especially since i did not have a fan on her the first two weeks.

I can imagine "fodboll-tossen" being quite unpopular... Poor guy. One drunken night can really mess up your life!;)
KK I'm actually on much higher doses of the nutes than my bottle says.. I found some guides on the internet, proposing some other proportions of my specific nutes. I think you should try turning up the nutes and see what will happen.
Here's mai li today, she's getting big guys! Got a little time till there's room in the flower room, and i'm going to concentrate on a trainwreck grow. Mai li is almost half way up the flower box when she gets there i'll take measurements.





Looking good chef.. I hope to get mine a bit stretchier like yours.
ty keb, risky not a bat sat, not as slow a grower as i thought.
Alright my people, as soon as there is room in the flower room mai li goes in! Need to make room fer others so i'll be turning mine in first, i'll get measurments when i put her to flower.





It is funny how different the plants are turning out.. Mine is getting bushier by the minute.. It is going to be super dense.. It think mine needs at least 2 more weeks of veg before flowering.
Still not a lot of stretch.. But side branching like crazy.

Day 024 - 01.JPG
Mine is sativa dom its unreal! She's already past where i usually put them to flower. Would like to put her to flower at 2-4 feet and pop her a full 4 -8 in flower but i got others waiting on the box. So im just hoping fer two foot and see how big she gets being a sat. Plus she's gonna take a loooong time to flower.

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