The inspiration comes from You, and You alone. Keep posting and I will be encouraged. My faith in the growth grows stronger with your posts. As well as my knowledge.
Many other great growers have added into your scrolls of wisdom, and they are to be truely thanked.
You though, are unashamedly and unfearfully slaying all problems in your way. All well posted, documented and allowing us, the younger growers around you, to learn about the ways of the Green Jedi.
Your path has not been unburdened, as I have seen. Your faith to practice is what makes you acomplished in your skill. That gives us, the new students, a benchmark to work to and skill level to earn.
There are many other posters in the forums that I feel the same way about. They have shared their trials and victorys as well. Some, I actually feel like I'm recreating their eariler grows. To them, 'I Thank you' for your posts.( too many to list. If ya read the archives.)
The saga of the 'children of the tent continues'. We, in our own ways, and our skill levels continue as well.
You though, seemed destined for Greatness. Perhaps you will make the ranks of the other mods here, not because of your skill, but because of your willingness for freedom of information like them.
All the mods here are all greatly posted volumes of information, and to me it appears you are well on your way.
I look forward to everyones new postings, knowelege shared is a good thing.
Tasty the Fearless, Grow your fems strong. May they seek the light so that they shall bud well.
and may the Green Force be with you always.
New trailer.
Clone wars 22....
Fade in.
Now that the 22 young green Jedi, have moved upward in their path. Growing closer towards their full potential. Rooted full well in their masters discipline. The fems each in their own way, are fighting for glory.
Basking not in the victorys that lay below, but looking up at the growth of tomorrow. Each branching out at a new skill to be the one with the most Buds of Force. A force to be observed, awed and feared.
Follow , as we watch their struggle, their growth, and their training.
Clone Wars 22...the veg saga continues...........
fade to green....