Well I'm off and running the lights are on a 12x12 schedule, I'm gonna redo the hours a little, run from 9 pm to 9 am, should take care of any heat problems, I put the C99 on blocks to sort of level things out, I'm getting low on the freebie guanos I was given, I gotta get something else organic, looking for a easy mix, all I have is Chemical bud booster also, gotta get some of that. I took down the netting i had ready, I got a little overwhelmed trying to fit everything in and get it right, there's alot of plant in the room, I gotta move a light also, not being effiecient enough, I'll get her worked out, I'm feeling better, I was loseing energy, anyway I saw some powdery mildew on my stuff in the Green-to, only 1 chemdawg, gonna go to outdoor section later looking for solution.