No,this is purely for the pleasure at the moment and I'm only on the second cross,although I've yet to give a detailed description of each of the 9 F1's,7 are turning out to look like carbon copies of the original clone,colour,particularly the purpling,branching and leaves,shape,serrations,...but...the Cheese chemotype isnt being expressed.
It is early days and I get a bit of menthol and fruityness but not the Cheese funk but I did'nt expect this anyway,the Cheese generally known to be recessive in a first cross but do temper that with the fact Sonic over at Breedbay is getting good reports of his Jungle Cheese expressing the Cheese chemotype strongly so yay(big up to ya Sonic!)and he'll be backcrossing which will defo reinforce the trait so it may increase the possible ratio of Cheese pheno's but with straight crosses it might not actually be possible to get the Cheese into a form where 100% of all seeds are the Cheese,just a certain percentage or ratio.
So thats an interesting observation methinks as I defo have strong physical similarities with these 7,the other 2 are Skunk#1 in appearance,so I'm thinking there may be a 50/50 split as regards phenotypical appearance,because it's not a 7:2 ratio,that's just the number of plants I have and I think it's more likely an even split,can't say for sure but that doesn't hamper me anyway.
But I'd be grateful if some folk would grow them out as testers,particularly those who know the real Cheese and so get objective feedback.
First Cheese/Sk#1 x Cheese/Sk#1 F2 seed,not for use in upcoming crosses at present but it's good to have them and all will be stored noting details of individuals.