Thats the 6 foot plus pure Haze girl and the Shebergan landrace whose pollen from a male I've stored and may apply on a Cheese clone in my next journal where I'll also be doing selective pollinations with my lone Haze male as well as males from Lowryder 1 and 2,also doing a BX2 with Cheese x Sk#1.
Will be growing out 8 Cheese x Skunk#1 BX1 for evaluation purposes,some F2's,along with as I say,the Shebergan who'll be whacked with Haze pollen for a side order of Afghan/Haze F1 madness,we'll see?
In just the little research I've done I've learnt unoquivocally that straight cubing will not result in pheno's that could pass for the clone.But I'll be getting an idea of what is occurring in this grow,what is expressed now should be interesting.
Repeat backcrossing puts more of the desireable clones genes into the offspring but they are not accessable,compartmentalised if ya like,can't come together to dominate and express in the offspring.
When you do a first cross,the clone donates 50% of the input to the resin profile or chemotype,the new father 50% too of course,so the result isnt one masking the other as in a dominant/recessive relationship( but which would apply if you had the original father),it's a bonding of 2 profiles into a new one,yes,there are Cheese genes in there but only half and now linked to what the male gave.
I've been advised to inbreed the BX1's,giving me F2's and from those you'd have to find the 'Cheesiest' to work with.Makes sense as differentiation in the F2 will allow a possibility of combinations to show expressed as different pheno's but they are female and can't be backcrossed to Mama#1.So backcross repeatedly to a sibling brother? (Not sure,just thinking aloud,much reading to do) these crosses your male by luck may well combine to produce something indeed very 'Cheesey',but summat right on the money,hmmm,dunno bout that?
I'd like to learn more about this supposed spontaneous mutation that the cut given to the Exodus crew got?
A mutation is the failure of dna repair at a cellular level which causes a change in the genetic material which gets passed on in mitosis,making bunnies,seeds,etc,even Pangolins and they are gayer than rainbows!
But the mutation is in a clone,not in a seed population and I don't even know if this is of significance as presumably the laws of inheritance won't have been affected by the mutation?
Kveschuns,kveshchuns,all dese kveschuns!