Captains Grow DWC

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You think that pond master 100 would run 24, 5gal buckets and a 55 gal rez? What run off is there as you are just refilling as needed until a rez change?

PS, for the net pot lids. are those 6" your using and they are plenty big enought to hold a 6ft plant? Srry last question. If i run that mass producer DWC cloner and then get the roots big, they can just go right into the hydroton? He has long roots, no way those are going into rockwool from there, i think? Thanx yo
Irish as far as the air lines go I drill a hole in the buckets so I can completly remove the plant with out dealing with the airline hose. It works alot better when dealing with alot of plants.
Here is a pic Irish If you think about it when I have to move the basket off I dont have to be tangled up with 15 other hoses.

grow Journal 006.jpg
Here is day 6 of the clones roots. Some will be ready by next week.

grow Journal 008.jpg

grow Journal 009.jpg

grow Journal 010.jpg
NOUV once the roots are long enough to reach through the basket I put them in and slowly put the hydroton in no wool or anything. Once they are older they will support Huge plants as they become root bound in the basket. Only plroblem I have seen is that the buckets need to be real full as the wieght of the buckets is less than the plant they can tip over.
Great idea, what about this?

You think that pond master 100 would run 24, 5gal buckets and a 55 gal rez? What run off is there as you are just refilling as needed until a rez change?

Only cause you said you have 2.
Not understanding runnoff but 1 pondmaster 100 will run in my opinion 24 sites and a rez. I sometimes will run 1 for veg 16 plus rez and cloner and 1 for flower 18 sites. Remember that alot of airpumps have low PSI but alot of volume the pondmaster has alot of PSI its like 6 or 7 PSI. So it needs alot of air stones being used at once or HOLY water spraying. Pondmaster is what it says POND not aquirium like most.
Got ya. Ohh by RO, you meant reverse osmosis not run off. kool
So it would basically be 3/4" line that runs to the manifolds then they get divided into how ever many?
Yeah you will need to but the manifolds if you like the stainless shutoff style they come with like a 30 plastic one with no shutoff. My manifold has 18 sites I believe.
Have a link to large manifolds, I found 10 in plastic. A large metal with shutoff would be ideal. What size hose is the inlet on that AP pump?
found some on ebay for 7 euro. So like 14 bucks us shipped.Out let is the same as the manifolds like 3/4 or 1 inch I can check later.
you got the hygroten? what you waiting for cap? thier ready now for the will begin to get the yellowing now, as the roots begin to search for food...i usually have mine going before even half that much roots...we start 'em at 250-300...strain dependant...

did'nt relize the pump was that big. cool.

your ready to rock that puppy bro...light it up...
Yeah i put two in tonite I like the roots to be comming out the bottom before I put them in the baskets otherwise im always wondering if the roots are growing and gota over fill the water.

PPM 280
Dutch Master part A and B
1 teaspoon Silica
1 teaspoon Zone

PH 5.8 on the Dot

Making water ZZZZZZZZ boring
thats the good thing about dwc, you cant over fill the water...if i have roots cap, but they are'nt long enough to stick out my pots, i just fill with water to 1 inch below bottom of net pot...the mist from the bubbles does the rest...with hydroten anyway...couple days thier in the water...

you got a slow RO? i use tap. ro would be to hard on my problems with the tap so far...(prolly catch flack for that)...

is silica, and zone a nute, i assume?
Zone is a root conditioner for roots that are going to be in water for along time. Helps stop root rot and alows more nutrient saturation.As a friend told me its like a supercharger on a car it allows it to take in more than natural. It works no doubt about it.

Silica is a nutrient that is not in hydro nutrients that the plants need, also helps cell wall growth.
On your manifold, what size is the intake? The pondmaster is 3/4". So if they dont match does it matter? The ones I am looking at are 8 outlet stainless, but it just does not look like 3/4" inlet. Thanx man!
Doesnt matter but they are both 3/4 OD just measured for ya.

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