First you want the leaves very dry because you need to grind 'em up, we use a food processor for this, but you can do it in any number of ways... Chopping or grinding it up makes it easier for the THC to be released into the butter... For dry leaf and bud stems <which I also use> I go w/equal amounts of marijuana and butter... With your bud, I'd go w/at least 3 times as much butter as marijuana due to it's higher concentrations of THC and trichomes... Use unsalted, real butter in this process, not margarine... First simmer the marijuana in water for about 45 minutes, then strain and discard this "dirty" water... You may need to repeat this a few times to get rid of all of the nasty stuff. Then add marijuana, water and butter <we use a crock pot> to your pan/crock pot and let it simmer for 18 - 24 hrs, repeating the strain... It takes a lot of squeezing to get the majority of butter from the plant material and thru the towel or other strainer you are using... You will be left w/a pan of water w/butter floating on top of it, just let it cool, then you can put it in your fridge to let it cool further... The butter will harden on top of the water and can be taken off easily... Good luck