It's always 420 somewhere
I have had this issue a couple times with non auto flower strains under 24 hours of light. None of my female plants do this. I'm in the process of cloning and sexing and soon selecting mothers and fathers. I read somewhere that males can flower if they get large enough even if light cycle isn't changed but I don't know how reliable a source it was. could it be bad genetics? My issue is I want to save my males till I know which one I want to use then heavily seed a few plants in a breeding chamber. I also wanted to save a clone from both male and females that I used but if what I read about males is true then saving one might not be possible. Maybe I don't need to save it but I know I don't wanna just collect pollen and save it as I never had much luck keeping it viable especially when i keep it more than a month which in this case I'd need to plus I want more than 20-30 seeds so that I can have a larger selection next grow to select a phenotype or 2 and males from that batch and have a bunch of the F1 seeds left and do the same with F2 and so on for future back crossing. Is there a way to stop my male from flowering? I did take clones that are not flowering(just starting to root). Part of me says kill it but if it turns out to be my only male and the clones happen to not make it then all would be lost.
What would you do and why? The strain I have with this issue is Ultimate purple by BC bud depot. Last year my jack harrier males did the same.
What would you do and why? The strain I have with this issue is Ultimate purple by BC bud depot. Last year my jack harrier males did the same.