Can I sample a 5 week flowering bud freshly picked?

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At 5 weeks and clear trichs you are just wasting what cld be a diamond in the rough...let it grow out...even if you dried it perfectly it is probably not gonna be anything like what your plant will be in 3-5 more weeks....You wld be better off buying some weed on the street and waiting it out...
What's one little bud from the side? Dry that puppy on a plate for a few days until its dry enough to smoke. Don't cook it.

Then just take one good hit from it, hold it till you pop and see what type of buzz you get after a few minutes.

Might be fun.

When thc is fresh and just manufactured by the plant, it's clear inside the trichomes, and at it's most psychoactive. As thc degrades, it becomes less psychoactive, but not in a bad way...hehe

hehe, no, I've never done that........

right.... just every crop I've ever grown.

Go for it man!
first thing is first.HARDEN UP, you can wait. EASY AS THAT. or go to your mates house, scab off them then return the fav, MAKE SURE YOU RETURN THE FAV
I agree with HL.I've taken a sample or two off my plant then the darn things went and swelled up like they are supposed to do and I thought to myself"if I'd a waited I could've had a bigger sample".:D

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