Bunch o' questions

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Fatty91 said:
t I also am trying to hide this from my parents as for budget well I got $25 in my wallet and that's about it thanks for all the help guys

NOT cool...:mad:. Do you realize that you are risking your "'rents" freedom, their home, their lives??
Have some respect for the ppl that provide, and have provided for your every need, for nearly two decades. :ignore:
Either wait for spring, and do yourself a guerilla grow, OFF of your parents property, or get a job, move out, and provide your own residence to grow in.
It is going to be 'impossible' for you to grow a plant successfully, and undetected, in your parents home anyway.
IMO there right Fatty91. I honestly considered trying to grow with out my room mate knowing (sister) but its impossible, one way or another they are gonna find out, when they find nutes around, when you changing soil or water, they will notice the change in the electric bill, the smell especially it will be all over your clothes if they in the same closed off space. My sis is cool with it now so its not a problem at all. but consider the risks if they find out i doubt they would be very happy and if some one rats you out then you risk them getting in trouble for your own actions.

Best try find somewhere that doesn't put anyone at risk but your self as its you who is gonna have the benefit of smoking the stuff.

Not saying its impossible for you at the moment you just need a better plan.
Yeah, once it starts budding it's going to stink. Better kill a few rabbits and let their bodies rot to overpower the dank smell. That might keep your parents from smelling the weed.

Maybe you should move out, get a job and get your own place. That's what most of us have done.
dang man use your head. come talk to us when you get out on your own or wait til spring & start outdoors (off your parents property). go scouting now w/ no leaves on trees it makes it easier just keep in mind that leaves come back & the scrub grows back bigger every year.

think this is your only option until yah get ur own shack. not dogging yah, speaking from experience. parents inlaw pad(seperate from the main house). not in use. 50 plants under a crawl standing @ 2' really smells good too me, but not to mom n' dad. ;-} some did end up surviving & wasnt too bad a smoke for basically free.
Yeah I'm thinking ur right about the smell. But I'm just gonna try and finish with what I got and if it starts to smell to good I'll trash it. Once this spring comes around tho I have lots of woods behind my house and I know a few areas that would be good for growing out there only thing is that it's a flood plain back there. And the whole idea for me to grow was just a spir of the moment thing I was breaking up my stuff and found a seed looked at my close and thought hey why not it can't be that hard I'm finding out it's maybe not to hard but it doesn't seem to be expensive to start out right. An I'm only 18 and still in highschool so moving out isn't really an option. And I'm not to worried bout my rents finding out worst they will do is tell me to get rid of it they already know I smoke it they weren't to happy but they never told me to stop:) and I don't worry bout the cops either cuz the only ppl that know I have it is the 3 friends I smoke with and they won't rat me out at the risk of the free weed if I can even get it done
Fatty91 said:
the only ppl that know I have it is the 3 friends I smoke with and they won't rat me out at the risk of the free weed if I can even get it done
3 ppl is a lot, tell NOBODY
Yeah I'm thinking ur right about the smell. But I'm just gonna try and finish with what I got and if it starts to smell to good I'll trash it.

Might as well trash them now. They will smell, your parents will find out, hopefully before leo. Since your 3 friends have told 3 friends and those 3 friends told their 3 friends,ect,ect,ect. Might as well just read-up now and wait till you can do it properly. jmho
emuman said:
is it those yellow tidy cats buckets? if so they are 5 gallon, I know this because I plan to use them in my next grow, so i measured them, yellow 35 pound tidy cats pail holds 5 gallons of water, but I planned to set them on the lid for runoff

Yes, emu, You're right. it is. I know now why I was under that impression. I dumped the contents into a 5-gallon bucket, but I realize now some of the contents had been used up-silly me!
I thought about using the lid too, but much too shallow.
I got some cheap little kitty litter pans-they are working fine.
Save the handle for a little toy bow & arrow-lol
Thanks! :aok:

I went to prison from 1 "friend" who I thought would never tell....It's amazing how low some weak minded pansies will stoop to save their own hides.

Bottom line is you don't have the set-up to get the job done, the money to buy the set-up you need, or a safe spot to grow it in even if you had the proper gear.

Imagine your mom missing your graduation because she's sitting in prison cause her son decided it would be cool to grow weed in HER house

Get rid of it...and I for one refuse to offer you anymore advice other than to quit now.

Now if you want some help with an outdoor grow this spring, off your parents property, I'd be more than happy....and in reality this sounds like your only chance of any success.
Fatty91 said:
I trashed it.

Okay, You did the right thing there.
Lets just say my high school days were a long way off, but I do remember once planting a seed in my moms house plants. I watched until it sprouted and was an inch high-then I culled it because I had absolutely NO WAY of growing it in the house without being detected. Our dad did regular weekly "shakedowns"-I'm serious..
And like your situation, it was a spur of the moment thing.

If you have your own computer, take and print some of the info in here. Put it in a ring binder and keep it somewhere safe.

There are also some guerilla growers here who might share information.
I believe there is a guerilla growers guide you could look at.

One of the cardinal rules is don't tell anyone.
Lets say one of your friends, and I'm not saying they are snitches or anything like that-gets popped.
Especially with young guys, cops will tell lies (because they can by law) and threaten him with anything.
And they will extrapolate your fears as they go along.
They will (and can by law-in my state) smoke a joint with you and act like your friend.
Humans can break down after repeated " interrogation", even a guy who is'nt a pansy.

So keep it a one-man Operation.

Heck, I've been a member simce 2007, and I am still finding things I did'nt know were there.

Got a question-just ask.

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