AGREE with Boo Here 62% for long storage needs to dry out overnight , but I have rolled many a damp joint that burned fine right away.go figure, I love the boveda packs, you can buy them in many strengths to dial in your buds...I like the 62% for the long haul...gotta take the buds out a day before you wanna smoke them because the keep them fresh...
I have used the Boveda 62% packs for a few years now and love 'em for curing and long term storage. I had 2 and 3 year old flowers that was just like fresh stored flowers. They loose some flavor, but were as potent as ever. Also have some Boveda packs that have been in the jars for the duration (2-3 years) and still are soft. I did hear somewhere that there was a way to rejuvanate the hard packs in a microwave.
Yooper I have had some of the 62% B paks in jars over 2 yrs and they are still charged as long as I leave the jar closed or dip quickly in and out without letting in too much air.Thank you brother Rooster.
These are a great product, I use them and they keep my flower perfect.yes ofcourse I'd pop the jar a day before smoking .Yooper I have had some of the 62% B paks in jars over 2 yrs and they are still charged as long as I leave the jar closed or dip quickly in and out without letting in too much air.
But I do find the herb needs a day to dry to joint smoking consistency.
If you do take just enough weed you will need and store the pak back in sealed jar or it will dry out.These are a great product, I use them and they keep my flower perfect.yes ofcourse I'd pop the jar a day before smoking .
I agree on too moist, and smell! Won't use them again!Personally I don't like them. To moist for me. And you are right it does change the smell. I bet it you left those jars alone for a few days the humidity would be fine. They will rehydydrate themselves.