Boo's world

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So it is, mornings are tough on me… I ice my back for an hour every morning so I have the ability to get through the day. I am fortunate to have a time to be able to do that. I’m getting ready to head out to the gym in a little while to see if I can’t help my body stay happy.
Wow, funny I require hot soak to loosen up the back! 10-15 mins is good. 😊

"Only you can prevent crapping yourself." Wow ,that line could go in a "Words of Wisdom" book
I stole that from smokey the bear. Growing up as a child, I disassembled a hangman's noose. Once I learned to tie them, I needed something to "hang".....well, my stuffed animal Smokey the bear will do.

Hey Smokey....come hear a minute! Yep, I would full on execute smokey by hanging. My Mom swears I then "apologized" to Smokey. This story had warped maniac written all over it, but I turned out fine...well, all things considered.
I on the other hand have grown up being the "guy" that poked the bear...still have issues with my mouth firing before the filter kicks in...I'm fortunate to be in such shape that an altercation would be welcome, especially being the "stronger" old man you hear about...2 years ago I laid out a 50 year old punk that thought pointing a gun in my face would deter me...5 well placed hits ended the situation...the cops were not amused...
I found a pic of turbo, my favorite fat bastard...I enjoyed scratching his head, as big as a beach back, hard as a basketball, and the hairs were course and like wire...RIP big fella...had to delete the pic, seems icloud adds my name...
no subbie, it was just the boys and I...Ivan was beyond penned up or he would have gone after turbo...Ivan is a bad ass and needs to be socialized...funny how we get attached to our friends...I can't seem to remove my name from the icloud account or copy the pic without posting my name...nefarious individuals here may enjoy knowing it...
Did you have help boo? That’s a lot of hog to bury. I’m sorry you lost your hog friend turbo…

no subbie, it was just the boys and I...Ivan was beyond penned up or he would have gone after turbo...Ivan is a bad ass and needs to be socialized...funny how we get attached to our friends...I can't seem to remove my name from the icloud account or copy the pic without posting my name...nefarious individuals here may enjoy knowing it...
got a feelin you have enough different equipment on your property to get that done . I would think getting Turbo to said equipment wasnt easy
no subbie, it was just the boys and I...Ivan was beyond penned up or he would have gone after turbo...Ivan is a bad ass and needs to be socialized...funny how we get attached to our friends...I can't seem to remove my name from the icloud account or copy the pic without posting my name...nefarious individuals here may enjoy knowing it...
I can try to edit it out and send it back to you if you pm it to me. Is it in the middle of the pic or on the bottom or top? I can probably clip it off
the tractor hauled him out, I interred his with the backhoe...if anyone can tell me how to get the pic out of the cloud without my name on it I'd like to share a pic of the big guy...
If you have a way to edit it out you can just take that portion out. If you pm me the pic I can try and do it for you
I can’t speak for Big Sur, but coyotes play hell on anything that walks around at night out here, except for armadillos… nothing bothers them
Subbie, I tried mailing to myself so I could remove my name but I can’t seem to figure it out… my work on old cars is far better than on computers
I on the other hand have grown up being the "guy" that poked the bear...still have issues with my mouth firing before the filter kicks in...I'm fortunate to be in such shape that an altercation would be welcome, especially being the "stronger" old man you hear about...2 years ago I laid out a 50 year old punk that thought pointing a gun in my face would deter me...5 well placed hits ended the situation...the cops were not amused...
I was the guy you didn't poke if you wanted to keep your teeth, like im guessing most of you were. I minded my own business and i expected you to do the same. I was never one to drink and act like my balls got bigger. I liked drinking and chillen and having a good time with my friends and brothers. Fighting was for the ring which i would invite you to in a heartbeat unless you pushed me too far. I actually never really had a lot of problems for some reason. I pretty much got along with ppl. Most my fighting was done in School when i was young, stupid, and didn't give a shit,, and even then we usually ended up good friends. And guess what we didn't do,, we didn't bring guns to school because we got our ass kicked and shoot up the damn school. Things sure have changed.
Did i get my ass kicked sometimes? You damn straight i did. And if you claim you never got your ass kicked,, then your either a liar, or you were fighting punks and not real fighters.
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