You would have 1 part yeast, 10 parts sugar and 100 parts of water in something big, like 20L. This will create c02 for about 5 days. But, this is not necessary if you got decent ventilation in your space. But if you grow like in a fridge, wich i have seen, it is vital.
Did a quick research, c02 levels where i live are about 200 ppm, this method raises it to about 400-500. If you can get them to 1500 you will see a really big difference. But then you need more light, otherwise the plant can't benefit from the extra c02. You would also like to raise your temps, but this is rarely a problem in growspaces

Disclaimer: take numbers with a pinch of salt.
So, the best and easiest way to provide c02 seems to be a fan and a good exhaustfan and a passive intake, at least for small grows.
Then again, i've never tried it, just read about it. But when you look around in this forum, there are very few people messing with extra c02, and they seem to know what they are doing.
Any chance of new pics? Take care/