Gang :ciao: :bong: benny ere has it the closet..Just came back from Lake..Man is it Packed...

..and yes high of 104 . so Im here to have a session then Its back to lake for The barbi Q hot dogs and Hamburgers...you see i found that people leave the BQ pits going..we always find one that someone has left and do our cooking...saves me from haveing to start it:rofl: s u k k a ....went to store to get a block of ice show kids what a swamp cooler that
tcbud like to sit on front of but the store was sold out!!! oh well maybe tomarrow i told them..it will be like this again..
painterdude...I believe I know where you are...I had a rental down there very rarely seen the sun..and that dowg and cat are they yours? I had a Pomeranian onece well it was hit by a car and died..would like to get another one later in life..
hi 4u....yeah, it's really hard to grow dope here and my greenhouse doesn't let in 100% of the sun which really screws up the growing cycle
Yes they are my critters and I love them to death.....the Pom is eight years old and has some Pekinese in him, he hates all dogs but loves cats....Pearl, the kitty, is probably three, we got her at the shelter on my birthday...to replace another kitty named Patches who was 15 and died when I ran over her with the Prius...never saw her, and hoped she was dead before I did the dastardly deed.....I snot cried for several days...
hey 4u, tell me about the pre-female hairs, I think all of my plants are girls and I hate to get my hopes up....
and I am going to go to the dump....but I have to get the pickup together so it can carry garbabe cans without them flying all over Hwy 101....
keep the peace brother, pee-dude
Oh, 4u, what's with the nine pattern on my sun leaves? All my plants have them. Is that normal because I have never seen a 'niner' before?