Bhc: Bong-hitters Club

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What is our smoke session times? 4:20 on the hour?? LOL

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pcduck said:
Good Morning BHC :ciao:

17f and windy.

I finally got my package:woohoo: Drivers excuse on why it took 7 tries. It was dark when he arrived to deliver package. :rofl:

BIU BHC :bong2::bong2:

I bet you have stoners working there as well. I still think Fedex doesn't drug test. I knew there would be a lame excuse. Congrats, duck.
Morning all, hey smoke we should post a thread on how to use ordinary firecrackers and blow up a male...maybe about 20-30m-16, whadda ya think?
G'Morning BHC!

A crispy morning it is, 20f and climbing to 40f or so today.... We got some clouds keeping things warm here in the Great North State.

4u, thank you for the welcome back...was an adventure, as always, going East this time of year.

Benny got the same weather for this cold to snow, so freezing rain it is.

Duck, glad you finally got your the dark, sounds like the excuse they give me at xmas time....."the road it so steep the packages in my truck fall all over"...or the one I like best....."It said XXX on the number, I missed the N."

Mojave, if you take your nippers and cut right at the soil line, then let the plant fall over....dont forget to yell timber.....that male will be no more.

Chef, thread on blowing up males.....make sure you put in the word "UP".
Woohoo ducky!!

Yay, ozzman checked in. :D

Hello everyone else.

Last night I went xmas shopping with my dearest friend. We met for dinner and drinks before hand. 3 hrs later we were still having a few, and never got any shopping done at all. :p

Maybe I will get out again tonight. I've really not bought anything except for some clothes for the kids and ya know how exciting those are..lmao.

Smoke it up. :D
just got the grey water line thawed out. now its off to do laundry and dishes. whew, could shure use a nice fat bowl full right now $
Okay, 4U, you convinced me I was just enjoying "Male Torture" a bit too much. And TC, I did go out and cut them at the soil line, while hollering, TIMMMMMBERRRR!

But the ghost of torture has come to haunt me---looks very much like my two cookies and my Monster are growing balls. So I guess that's "Instant Karma," huh?

Sm, you're already way ahead of me if you got the kids some clothes! I have done zero shopping, except for a new parabolic reflector for myself. Shame on me. Torturing guy plants and spending Christmas money on myself.

PC, I've always had great luck with UPS, plus I really like that they obviously must give a pulchritude test before they hire their drivers--never met one who didn't have great legs and look delicious. Of course, I know that won't make any points with you. <G> But glad your delivery finally arrived!

Fast--congrats on the thawing---what a mess! I don't envy you.

Chef, be sure you read TC's post and put in "UP" when you're writing about those firecrackers...<G>

I have this thing about cutting plants down--I remember back in the 70's looking at some Kirlian photography of plants and the energy surrounding them. When the photographer cut off a branch, the plant gave off powerful red auras.

After that I was convinced being a vegetarian wasn't a whole lot kinder than being a carnivore, carbon footprint aside. It was obvious from those Kirlian photography pictures that plants--like all living things--give off energy, and scream when they are injured.
whew what a night...getting things done in the grow room...getting my clones finished up...please please let my pk clone root...I have the mom and can clone again soon but its just that many more weeks back...I have to remember that parience is a virtue...maybe a smoke will help...My blood sugar is 414..bad bad bad and I feel a bit sick...hope everyone is having a good night!
the chef said:
Morning all, hey smoke we should post a thread on how to use ordinary firecrackers and blow up a male...maybe about 20-30m-16, whadda ya think?

Man chef...i a so tireed of Males this year..i just pulled 2 more a cheese and duckfoot:hitchair:..put those *******s out in the cold..27f right now:lama: I have some M-1000:hubba: ...KABOOOOOM!!!!!:D

2Dog..Hope ya get that blood count corrected..:48:

mojave...Im haveing Male year as well girl...good nes is I do have a First female ducksfoot:yay: 7 males before she came along..

fa$t...Here :bong1: Purple frosting is BOMB!!!

UKgirl...:heart: rolled 4u :48: kiss kiss

laveing 1/4LB on table help yer selfs:ciao:
Good Morning BHC :ciao:

16f and the wind has finally slowed enough that my Direct TV is working again:)

Warm the :bong1: it is the weekend BIU BHC :bong2::bong2::bong2:
:ciao: BHC....:bong:

21f right now 6:15am suppose to reach 35f

Have a great Day everyone
Good morning everyone :ciao: Its 9:30 and colder than cold outside. Its been awhile since i have been on here so I thought I would pop in and say HIGH! I'm at work and ready to leave already. I pulled my back out yesterday and am ready to go home and take some medicine :bong2:
Hope everyone has a good friday! Cheers and happy toking!
Brrrrrr here too this morning. And we desert rats are never prepared for it. I just wish that as long as we had to put up with frigid weather, we'd also get a bit of snow to enjoy along with it. It's been too many years since I rolled a snowball, or made a snowman, or made snow-angels.

Hahh--just realized that as a double let amp now, my snow angels would have MINI SKIRTS!

Glad to know I'm not the only one suffering through a "male" year here, plantwise. I'm afraid to turn on the light in the grow room this morning, because I know my cookie, candy and monster can grows will be greeting me with balls-a-bouncing. I'm down to 6 plants, and two have not yet shown, so they may be males, too, or hermies.

Ah well. I have 4 confirmed females I'm excited about--a Hawaiian, a Purple Bud, a Purple Kush, a white frosting, a pink frosting and a purple Frosting. The last Wizard grew balls--big bummer. I was dying to try some of that old Humboldt strain, but still have beans, so will try again. Males sure rule the day!

Later, Gators!
mornin all, :ciao:
34f this am warmin to 44f
chef, i :clap: your perseverence. congrats on the female :yay:
hows the sugar this am 2dog?
mm, as a former desert rat i recall the temp swings
pc, :woohoo: the weather is calmin down
4u2, and uk,:ciao:

whats up with all the males? GREEN FEMALE MOJO TO ALL!
got two :watchplant: that are ready to show. fingers X

:bongin: a mixture of BlueBerry, BK, and a bit of WWf2....:fly::stoned:

The wind has picked up again, no local TV:(

I am trying to post pics and having a devil of a time....Oh well

BIU BHC :bong2::bong2:
Good morning BHCers BBBBBBrrrrrrrrr 19* and warming to 30* today. Gotta go fix a gas line and play in the cold.

:bong::bong: Have a great day everyone and 2dog get that sugar under control thats way to high and I don't mean from the MJ.

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