Bhc: Bong-hitters Club

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What is our smoke session times? 4:20 on the hour?? LOL

  • 4:20 east

  • 4:20 central

  • 4:20 on every hour

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Thank you Dubba and UK!

Is there a list of numbers used??

I would like to be #430
Welcome Hoppy,
I think the list is in post two or post one and two.

Nice bong, that looks like it will do the trick. Here's mine, with a bittybudly, that needs to be dried. Shhhh..dont tell the husband ;) .

All around,:bong: :bong: :bong: some:tokie: :tokie: :tokie: too.

Welcome agian to the BHC Hoppy. :D

8 25 bong n bud.JPG
tcbud said:
Where you at 4u, it is still dark almost got sun allready, you must be in that grow room?

Hello that was todays high..the sun starts at about 530am here im in garden b4 work..and come home this weekend so early mornings will be the thing ya know..take care and i wanna se a pic ot the chosen cola ya took..

ozzydiodude said:
tc when your as "high" as 4u the sun is alway in site.

HappyFrog420 said:
Ok, Got a pic of my man's bong!

Thanks thats a nice piece of ***..hoiw much it cost ya

cubby..enjoy you day my friend.. to..better check on that Purple..mine are very purple stems..oh and mark up another female for 4u2:yay: 3 of 7 so far..Here:bong1: lets smoke to that:bong:

okay I hope i did this right:rofl: this puter crap is tough..but im a get it i need to smoke my bong:bong: better
Yes I did it:yay: okay smoke on friend..cuzz ill forget here soon:rofl:

:ciao: Kansas City, Missouri, United States it's 4:20 :bong:
4u2, I'm trying to figure out what *** in your post.. nothing is making sense to me..

I don't know how much it cost my husband, but he has had it for a long time now.. the only one that hasn't been broken
haha thanks guys
is it just me or do way more people post in BHC now
i had to flip back a bunch of pages.
anyways im in here again just doing a bowl :bong1:
you know how it is. cmon someone have a toot with me! :rolleyes:
hey Froggy...sorry it was a was supose to say glass..i think it said a s s..:rofl: sorry Hick..its in a quote i just figured how to do..and not sure how to fix it..Please take care of that at no charge for im broke this week..thanks..cuzz that buttons gone too..:bong:

Hello the EDIT are you? yeah lots more stopping in these join me will ya:bong:
:giggle: ok! I thought you were insulting it at first and then I thought there is no way, these people are too nice to say anything like that! I'm glad I asked then! Thanks 4u2!
you are most welcome..i would never say anything bad about someones smokeing device...well maybe paper rollers:p Here :bong1: lets smoke:bong:
what one ya talking about DOC..the porn site one that aint been removed yet:rofl: i aint posted in BPOTM in a while i dont have any Budding right now..thanks tho:bong:
okay 4u what did you learn to do now? all those quotes....I want to learn.....
I took pics of the girls with the tape in front of that what you want?
Got to get me a string or something to measure those buds.
What do you mean you got nothing budding? Your girls still in vedge? i meen i dont have anything for BPOTM..i dont enter unless in 7 week or later..Im sure My mother plant will fair well when its her time tho..Ukgirl has taught me everything about this pc stuff..I aint got a well enough grasp on it yet..and the pic i would like to see is the one you said Hubby will let ya clip..have a great smoke:bong: gotta update my fall grow:bong::bolt:
lol...."let me clip" nice 4u.....

I posted one in the "biggest plant" and benny got a compitition growing.

BIU"let me" got that right....

Howdy, Hoppy, Duck, 2 Dog...
tcbud is lazy and has dial up...
picture bongs for everyone here.....smiles inserted here.

4u2sm0ke Them purps are budding like crazy, the fan leaves are yellowing. They are still bulking up. Figured I got another month, month /half of good growing season left. Congrats on the female:yay:

HoppyFrog420 There is a list of members and the their numbers at the 2nd post of this thread. I don't think 430 is taken and nice bong. Thanks for signing up at the Bong Hitters Club...BIU

Ozzy hope them bad boys didn't find your garden. The C.R.A.P. has finally left us for a bit:)

Gonna BIU for awhile so here :bong1::bong1::bong1::bong1::bong1::bong1::bong1:
Hey tc.. ........:holysheep: :48: :headbang2: :yay: :aok: :banana: :tokie: :bongin: :smoke1: :woohoo:
:ciao: hey chris 420 cali :bong: you working overtime..Pcduck up there is working his :bong1: overtime:giggle:

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