Keepin' busy here at the Ranch. Key board is flying.....:bong: :bong: :ciao: morning SM whats for breakfast? I hear you on the nappy thing, Cubby.....:bong1: , Hick...UK,:tokie: Ozzyo, she get that straighten'd out? Moms gonna get a new fence.....
9:09 and still a bit nippy out, 53f and the sun comes up so much later now.....just now commin' to the girls. The temp will start to rise, and the roofer...he aint around, how nice. I think sometimes that my girls are small cause the sun comes up so late here. But not, I know they get enough sun. Sometimes I think the strains I get from clones are so aclimated to my outdoor short season, they just dont get big? My seed girls are way tall/big.