G'Morning BHC!
57f this morning and looks like the weekend is gonna cool down to the high nineties

. Gonna be great. The Roofer "Guy" shows up tomorow morning, but not early, 8 a.m. That man can sure talk, hope he works as fast as he talks....or wait a minute...maybe that is hope he works as good as he talks.
Painter....way cool camera and portrait, and dang you got me beat in the no boss thing....since 89 I did a 18 month stint bartending for my uncles in the early nineties, but other than that, I havent worked since 89. Had to give up the SSI when I got married at the "turn of the century" and havent looked back since. Im counting on my fingers now...dang twenty years! Sure flew by.:bong1: guess that helps with the time travel.
4u, do you get winters off? My ol' man does, lots of hours now means fat unemployment checks

. Then we get to do the five month vacation thing. So it evens out, I would rather he only worked five days a week tho, when he works. Uncle Sam gets most of the overtime anyway.
Hampster....dont know what to tell you, I am in that lottery line too.....I call it His "Retirement Plan". Thank goodness I got one too....a plan.
Okay you all, gonna hit the boards and see whats shakin' here at MP this fine morning.:ciao:
Keep up the good work Ozzy and PC, did you hit the :20 this time?