Bhc: Bong-hitters Club

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What is our smoke session times? 4:20 on the hour?? LOL

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  • 4:20 on every hour

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ozzydiodude said:
4u what type inline fans 2 or 3 wire :? What type of timer? plug in or dirrect wire in?

man thats way to many questions..i dont think any have plugs..the timer is tempature controller..with why needs to be in box..but can direct wire Im high ..i gotta go i see ya later okay
Sounds good 4u2sm0ke:aok: I am always ready for :bongin:

The garden is looking nice..Congrats on the female:yay:
Okay 4u, my nappy is over....where is that :bong1: . We/I had a great time on the trip...not really a trip, as the husband was working almost every waking minute. Dang it makes a fat check come payday. I did get some really nice curtains made for the RV..... real nice material too. That is three windows down, five more to go. Found a new despencery that opened too. Got me some MED MJ while I was there, Hawian they said. Is pretty good/okay, but then I judge most store bought weed from what you can get on the coast :aok: . I will say thot it was cured really well.:D Can you believe it is such a small town, I went into the newspaper and ask where the pot store was located.....:rofl: Newspaper guy didnt even get the name right, maybe pot store wasnt on his beat, but I was within a block when I asked him...:fly:
Now for that :bong: :bong: :bong: pass....
Thanks tc..:bong: Im up from my Nap too..its hot today..83 right now..gonna be like this all week...Ladies are likeing sure not to poke fingers to much when makeing those curtains..and why you buting run out? Yall need me to brake in that Bike:D okay better get more shed odne..I know Im dieing to get started..and i have to a little excited too:giggle: have good day :bong1:
some pics

pic 1 & 2 is Bubba/Kush

pic 3 is the WWf2 I told you about 4u2sm0ke notice one side is dead and the other side is green :confused2:

pic 4 is a WWf2 if you can find it :laugh:




tcbudski babe.....I used to sew Hats and sell them at the fairs in CA back in the 1970's....but I also took orders.....give me an old garment that you wanted to recycle and I would make an English Hat for $15.....even made one for the rabbi of New Port's great that the fires are not soooooooo close this year......but I feel for anyone who gets burned out.....I lost a house back in the 1980's, no insurance either and they ran out of water so I got to watch it burn to the ground....very, very sad day...lost allot of my sewing machine drawings and paintings....

4u2....sounds like you are over the paranoia and having fun 'blooding' the rod once again.....the guy that built my deck has a half wolf to guard his property....his name is Wolf....and you don't get to pet him, just look close are you to Buffalo?

Visited the greenhouse, and saw lots of tiny, itty bitty white hairs.....

Another sunny day, there must be some kind of 'Sun God' visiting from South America.....I wonder if he or she eats raw hearts?

Gotta walk the little doggie with the wifey....ta ta, pee-dude
yea that is a separate branch 4u was just green 4 days ago. was just doing a little studying before I cutting off the bad branch

painterdude I am a long way west of Buffalo
Hey duck I had a plant that looked like that, when I pulled it up grubs where eating the roots. I don't know how to treat for them tho, so hopeful someone can give us a head up for grubs. I am not saying that is your prob just looks like 1 I had a couple years back.
I don't think it is grubs Ozzy since I have 2 other plants in the same hole and they are not being affected unless that is the way grubs act. But I will look when I yank her up as I have never had grubs before. Oh and thanks for looking at the pics.
well UK I'll set here and :48: :tokie::48: while loading PurpleFrosting nuggets for the rest of the BHC ers. Don't be afraid hit the :tokie:as it pass by 4u :p

Hey duck if I remember right to was just 1 or 2 big white grubs 1 1/2 to 2" long.
ozzydiodude said:
Hey duck if I remember right to was just 1 or 2 big white grubs 1 1/2 to 2" long.

Wow no kidding...Were they deep into the soil or on the top side? Maybe I should just yank immediately so that they don't transfer to the other plants? Don't grubs hate salt? One would think that the salts in the nutes would keep them at bay. Oh well guess I will find out tomorrow
I agree with Oz, duck. It's likely something in the ground. I planted 2 Echinacea flowers in opposite corners of the same 4'x4' box. One is awesome. The other never did a thing. After a year, I carefully dug it up and there were almost no roots.I found round pea sized, clearish eggs of some predator living at my buffet. Sorry, I got lost there, but look down for the solution and the source of the problem. Follow that branch to where it is attached and look for some kind of hole with sawdust like stuff where the bad area meets the good area. Could be a borer of some kind. Time for a smoke break. Oh, I saved that flower by washing off all the soil from the remaining roots and potting it up in great potting soil in a square 6" pot. It is coming back!
Thanks 420Benny I will do a through exam tomorrow and post what I find
Duck,,If I remember correctly they where both in the same area of the root ball on the top side. Sorry I can't remember the depth. Man you got smoke coming out my ears trying to think this hard time for :bong::bong::bong::bong:
Hello BHC....Does anyone know what happened to Mrkingford? His avatar is missing ala newbud...I hope all is ok...
Thanks Ozzy I think I will go practice getting smoke to come out of my ears..Now to do this you must have a :bong1: and a lighter......right?:D

I think I need to practice for the next BIU session on the :20

No idea what happened to mrkingford....maybe Hick will enlighten us when he next pops in. ;)

Had a nice night tonight. Had thai with a girlfriend then went to Lush and bought a few bath bombs and some perfume. Can't wait til bathtime tonight. :D

Painterdude- my radio station is having an art contest. ...any cool and interesting ideas? I am not creative what so ever. :(

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