Bhc: Bong-hitters Club

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What is our smoke session times? 4:20 on the hour?? LOL

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that is almost creepy with that avatar.....
Glad to see you back UK hope you had a great time

Care to try a PurpleFrosting Bud with me it is dry just not cured but I just Had you try it out. This is the first bud to dry.

fresh PF.jpg
beautiful. I wish i was at the place with the creek. Think i could live in a hut in that picture secluded like Henry David Thurough and grow pretty like sativa's and indica's.
ok gonna go back to bong ripppn to some 311 jams.............
tcbud said:
I already told him I was baking it. So....there it stands in all it's glory right next to the good stuff.....:giggle: It does have carrots in it....and I bought fresh unbleached flour, dont tell him about that tho.
Is funny, 70's harvest gold counter top, with a totally sixties cake, upgraded into ot nine style...
it is getting to harder and harder to type.;)

ozzydiodude said:
Glad to see you back UK hope you had a great time

Care to try a PurpleFrosting Bud with me it is dry just not cured but I just Had you try it out. This is the first bud to dry.

Nice looking budd ozzie you only shareing with UKgirl?? :p
bluealein56 said:
beautiful. I wish i was at the place with the creek. Think i could live in a hut in that picture secluded like Henry David Thurough and grow pretty like sativa's and indica's.
ok gonna go back to bong ripppn to some 311 jams.............

yes i agree..I would love to drop a line in that water hole..Nice pics UKgirl..glad your back..
4u2sm0ke said:
just add pic of you piece and your in..still need to PM trillion But I wrote ya down:aok: just awiting pic and place the BHC# in signature...

It's about Time B56 :bolt::bong:
tcvcg was appointed "group leader" sometime back. TOA hasn't posted here in over two months and is no longer the 'man' to contact.
I "accepted" tcbud and white owls requests for them :)
Thank You Sir Hick, and I am sure White Owl will thank you too. I am a group leader over at the Female Growers Group, and well, didnt even know it till Ukgirl PM'd me to accept her as UKgirl420. I had a whole list of folks to accept. There I was a "leader" and didnt even know it.

I would like to offer Hick a heartfelt invitation to join the BHC. So nice to see you here. Thanks again.

Way to go on those beautiful pics UK, looks like you visited some really nice places to BIU. I passed out way before he got home last night, to many BIU with Uk.

Good luck fishing, PC, yes, what are you fishing for? I was up before the sun and, I want to go fishing too!

4u, I kinda thot that node showed something too, just didnt want to say.

For everyone else here and there, Have a Great and Safe Weekend All.
Saturday Morning Smoke out:bong1::bong1::bong1: Time to head to town they are having jet ski races on the river.

HEY hick where your pic :p
Yes, SM, slide a plate of that my way. OOPs, never mind, I got to make breakfast myself now :D . Yours sounds better than what I am making tho, ham and egg hashbrown scramble.

Painter, I am throwing up a pic of where and what to look for in the "Pre-flower" department. Upside down tear drop with a hair comming out of the small end. Hope this helps you.

Zip, check out the stripes on this plant. I got a stem looks like a candy cane too!

a circle preflower.JPG