:ciao: Good Morning BHC,
31* and cloudy, but at least it's not tornadoes, be safe
Soooo, I went to my Dr. yesterday, and she cut my diabetes medication in half, if things stay on track she said in 6 months I'll be totally med free.
Diet and exercise is working, but I need to look into Yoga for spinal health. I had no idea losing weight could cause back pain.:confused2:
Duck, what do you think of the Pax?
4U, I got one of those secret jardin tents, don't remember the model #, but it's the 4'x2', their very good quality materials. I'm sure you'll make good use of it.
Rosebud, Howies still a pup,a little apprehension is a good thing. He's got a good family, he'll be fine. Now if you can just get him to work on his bark...
THG, what kind of veggies are you growing? How large is you're little green house?
I've got tomatoes and a bunch of different peppers growing on my sunporch just waiting to go in the ground. I may try a barrel of potatoes this year.
Sm, That's some crazy explosion in West isn't it? The pictures are bad enough, I can't imagine what it looks like at the scene.
OS, where's the lyrics?