Bhc: Bong-hitters Club

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What is our smoke session times? 4:20 on the hour?? LOL

  • 4:20 east

  • 4:20 central

  • 4:20 on every hour

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no gigs for a couple of weeks 4U,sux I need the work....we have been workin on some new tunes....What up DMANN crazy weather swing everywhere....Rosey,your dog sceams likea girl lol.........still everyone for the get well wishes,they work...SM soup is the best,havent tried the french toast yet:rolleyes: one back for me all,trying to save my lungs for the big game on Sunday.....:cool: BIU BHC
Who ya pullin' for?

And wow, I thought it was cold here. I've got nothing on y'all.
Howard had a reaction to his shot and is at the vets on IV's.:cry:

He is too sick even to scream like a girl. He will be monitored and we will pick him up tonight.. He started have labored breathing.. He just looked at Bud, like help me. Big three inch swelling where the shot was. He won't be getting anymore shots.
Thanks for listening...back to cleaning the fireplace.
Hugs you all.
Hope Howard is ok,dang....I dont do shots well myself...cant stand them,I hope he recovers....let us know:cool: SM I guess I will be pullin for Balt. being from Maryland originally,Skins fan to the bone......:cool:
Thanks my friends. The vet called and said he is standing up and wagging his tail. They will decide this afternoon if he can come home or not. They better have a big enough kennel for me or mr rb if he has to stay the night. I think he will be ok...Thanks for caring all you dog lovers. Thank you.
:bong: :bong: :bong: Waiting on Howie....
Good Morning BHC:ciao:

So glad Howard is feeling better:)

BIU :bong:
crying? got a sissy dog

I was looking for the "Female grower thread" did it get removed?...who started that thread?...

:ciao: Good Morning BHC,
1* and overcast here today, got a couple inches of new snow.
Rose glad to hear Howie's doing OK. Crying like a girl.......that dog's gonna' have a complex. Mr RB's gonna' have to take Howie hunting....but not for mice!!:rofl:
:bong: :bong: :bong:
Good morning all.

Cubby, that is cold. Just so ya know.

This is one wilted rosebud typing. The fireplace will be done today.

Howie screamed when he was born for air, they suctioned him but he kept screaming. I have never seen a dog do that. I know huskies are screamers but not a poodle.ha When he saw my dogs the first time he screamed like he was being murdered. My dogs just look at him and say, poor ED.
:holysheep: BHC Members, I have been reading of quite a few confiscations of seeds coming out of JFK. Not sure if it is just the one seedbank getting zapped or many. I placed a couple of orders a while back and one just went through Washington DC (I didn't even know they had one there) and the other the seedbank is holding on to till they figure out what is going on. Just thought I give ya a heads up in case you are planning an order. One dude lost a $650 auction win:eek:

TMT back to BIU :bong:

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