Bhc: Bong-hitters Club

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What is our smoke session times? 4:20 on the hour?? LOL

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73* outside and I still feel miserable,been in the bed for the longest time,got to get up and try to shake this mess.....hope everyone is feeling better than me.....colds suck.....
Good Morning BHC :ciao:

Hope ya get feeling better mmf2.

BIU :bong:
Good morning all.

Hope your feeling better Mr fist.

The living room is painted...phewy, that was harder then i remember. ha.
BIU Peeps. Get all the way well peeps!
As soon as I paint the fireplace I will show pic's sm. It might be a while. lol
How are you today? How's your kids?
Howard goes to the vet today for his shots.
I'm good rose, thanks for asking. Much better then last night. I was a big grouch for some reason. Hmmmm, I didn't smoke anything yesterday.......

I'm about to have some breakfast then hit the gym. ;)

But running a lil slow. :p
Good Morning BHC :ciao:

-10* wind chill:eek: 63* a day ago.

BIU :bong:
Brrrrr Duck and I bet Cubby.
It is a blamy 35 here and it is Feburary and I am glad gloomy January is over.
The fireplace painting starts today. Well, more cleaning and the priming start anyway.
Howard had his first vet check. He is a healthy puppy looks like. 17 pounds. His bully litter mates are 24 pounds.
BIU peeps, i am.:vap-Bong_smoker: :vap-Bong_smoker:
:ciao: Good Morning BHC,
-13* here today.
Duck, a 73* change, :eek: I bet the trees around your place were moaning.
Rose how did Howie do at the vets?
4U, Mom, Drft, OS, MMF, and any I may have mist, The weed and coffee's on the counter, grab a mug and a nug and meet me in the dinning room. Let's get this day started :bong2: :bong2: :bong2:
what up my friends,feeling so much better today,cold starting to go away,a little chilly down here in the south this am....hope everyone has a great friday and weekend....just gonna chill and try to shake this bug:cool: no gigs this weekend....winter and cold please GO AWAY.............peace:cool:
Get better all the way will ya Mr fist?

Cubby, I thought Howie would scream, but he didn't he took his shot really well. He is sick this morning though. Bud was real worried about him. He drank some water just now and went ourside ( i heard owls calling this morning just now, awesomeness) He is crying for his sisters bone right now so I think he will be fine. Did i tell you he screams like a girl?
cubby.. I think I am moaning worst:(

Staying in and joining ya

BIU :bong:
He screams like a girl? LOL Poor pup!

It was 26 degrees and sunny here. Should warm up to the lower 50s today. Duck and cub - brrrr. Do you wear long johns? I'd probably have 5 pairs on. :p

Fist- I see you down there...glad you're picking up. Sucks being sick, especially when it lingers...

Hi 4u, yyz, and I know there's more - I'm just too high to recall. Sorry guys. :p

I need to go to the gym today, I have a nice-sized blister on my heel. The socks I wore there yesterday were too thin. I need to find my thick, good ones.

What's everyone doing this weekend? My only plans so far is to cook a few racks of ribs for the super bowl party at my friends house on Sunday. Go 9ers!

SmokinMom said:
Hi 4u. Want some french toast?

Thanks Mom

Meetfst...glad ya feeling better...ya have a Gig this weekend? have a sissy Dog:p..

Duck is they any coffee left?..

To put it in Fahrenheit for you U.S. folks, it was 61 here on Wednesday and its 15 today:holysheep: :eek:

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