Best state to be a pothead?

  • Thread starter Themanwithnoname
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Mutt said:
Rule 1: Grow for personal use. Don't sell. You can explain 2-3 plants. 100 forget it you are definetly getting slapped with intent to distribute. (Felony and def. jail). 2-3 plants you can get a lawyer and squirm your way out of jail.

Rule 2: Don't even let your best freind see your grow. All it takes is a slip of the tongue.

Rule 3: Control that odor growing. You don't want the neighbors smelling a white widow in full flower. :)

Marc Emery was a seed salesman, but mainly a heavy activist. Feds wanted to make an example with all of the medical MJ issues going on. It was an isolated incident, there are tons of seed banks up there and they aren't getting hauled off.

(If I were Canada, I would have told the Feds to control there own border and leave my civilians alone). Feds love to make people like Emery martyrs, and give themselves a black eye in the global view.

I agree 100% with Mutt, but I would also like to add one thing to what he said.

When the US government went after Emery, (and got him obviously) the only thing they proved is that in a world where they preach democracy, the only thing they're using is tyranny.
You "Canooks" should be happy that JR didn't consider Emery's operation, evidence of the intent/ability to produce "seeds for mass destruction". :eek:

You foreign Pot Smokers could be wintering in sunny Gauntanamo:eek:
"* Think about who your smoking with, only smoke with people you trust.
* If you live in a Highly Populated area it's most likely not the best Idea to light up On your front porch or infront of an open window where everyone and his brother can see you.
* If your growing, tell as little people as possible, say one person gets jealous they will go spouting off about it, and you know how word of mouth can go."


Mutt said:
Rule 1: Grow for personal use. Don't sell. You can explain 2-3 plants. 100 forget it you are definetly getting slapped with intent to distribute. (Felony and def. jail). 2-3 plants you can get a lawyer and squirm your way out of jail.

Rule 2: Don't even let your best freind see your grow. All it takes is a slip of the tongue.

Rule 3: Control that odor growing. You don't want the neighbors smelling a white widow in full flower. :)

I guess it all depends on where you live.
Out here in the primo cultivation country of N. Calif., the cops couldn't care less if you walked down Main St. puffing a joint as big as a horse's leg.
I read the "police log" every week in the local paper that lists ALL calls to the cops/911 and I NEVER see calls re: poss. of mj, unless it's a school type deal
or part of another more serious bust.
They don't tell you to throw it away if they find it, they ignore it.
Except maybe if you're smoking & driving they may if they're bored give you a FST (field sobriety test).
One reason is that the cops are short-handed. Sometimes there are no patrolmen on duty; if they need a deputy they have to call and wake one up.
But mostly it's a mind-set and economic sense. Growing pot harms no one and brings $$ into the county when it's sold.
Pot growers vote. And we voted out all the asshole anti-pot cops, prosecutors, etc. years ago.
And many cops are growers too. Last year I was in a growshop in a different county 50 miles away (the closest one) and browsing the store was one on the local cops.

Simply put, everyone out here who smokes weed grows it. It's everywhere. 2 years ago the county sheriff posted a note in the local paper asking pot growers to confine their grow to their back yard, away from view of passer's by, because kids would look around for it as they walked by
A friend of mine grows in a greenhouse and the greenhouse and it's contents can easily be seen by 3 different neighbor's houses. No problem.
No one out here makes a big secret deal about growing. My neighbors grow; we exchange clones and share growing tips every year.
I did have a small problem this last season when a very small amount of weed was stolen by a neighbor's kid. He was easy to track and I cut him a break and told him I wouldn't tell his dad as long as he never came back.
Cops still bust people for sales (they'd get it trouble if they didn't make a few busts now and then) but as a rule they don't go out looking. If it falls in their lap as it sometimes does, they can't ignore it.

There is a bit of trouble in paradise occasionally.
2 years ago a grower did something VERY stupid. He was at a rock concert a few hundred miles away, met some people and arranged a deal where they'd meet him at a local rest stop the next night & he'd sell them something like 4 pounds of weed.
Well the guys showed up, 4 of them, inspected the weed, tossed it in the trunk of their car and took off without paying, with the grower and a friend in hot persuit.
Down the road a piece the grower was ramming the thieve's car and ran himself into a ditch. While trying to get his truck out of the ditch, the crooks came back and opened fire, killing the grower/driver and severly wounding his friend.
They caught all 4 guys and last year the triggerman was convicted and sentenced to life. The other 3 guys were convicted of accessory and got 15-to-life.

But of course, sales is WAY different that growing.
Maybe I will move to Ca. I know here in SC it is bad. They will search your vehicle upon a wiff of smell. 1 oz or more is intent to distribute. 1-5 plants is a felony with 1-5 years and 5,000 fine I have to check that again with Norml though. (but can squirm out of that with a good attorney). We have Tax stamp and they inforce it (any way for these guys to get money). They even have a cocaine stamp and crap here.

If you do get busted you have to prove that all things purchased were with legal money. This includes the house, car, everything. This is if your busted cultivating not for sale. They consider any cultivation as an intent to distribute.
It is hard to prove this. Very hard. They end up taking TV's computers and other stuff.

If you get caught with an 1oz or under in your car (you do not have to be under the influence). It is $1,000 fine + loss of liscence for 1 year.
Welcome to the bible belt.
note: there is no debate on medical MJ in my state. (Iguess it would be un-christian or something. We "wacky weed smoking hippies" don't fit in the baptist scene here)
Technically, "cultivation", of even a single seedling is a Federal Felony. Doesn't matter where you live.

I googled CA stat's. NORML's information showed a rise in the number of arrests, for all mj arrests between 1995 and 2002. (not very current) With a slight decline showing from '99-02.

Gotta' admit, ganja makes it sound pretty sweet. Trading cut's over the back fence, smokin' a fatty, wavin' at the cops. A regular "Mayberry/Amsterdam r.f.d."

Unfortunately, I communicate with some other N. CA. folks that don't relate the same ideology.
Hic, those stats are almost 10 years old.
Since then, Mendocino voters passed Measure G, which cut off all county funds for the arrest and prosecution of "mom and pop" grows of 25 per person or less.
No prescription needed.
And Humboldt County kicked out less-than-friendly sheriff & d.a. and replaced them with more friendly folk; in Humbodt with an easily obtainable script, you can legally have a 10' x 10' growroom--sog that's 99 plants.
And in Trinity County in '02, Trinity County elected a sheriff who personally told me he's like to see all restrictions of using and growing pot removed.
Btw, his opponent (there were both patrolmen) spoke of the need to the country to rid itself of "green and white dope", lumping marijuana in with meth, and wanted the cops to become a para-military type op.
He was soundly defeated.
I said that the stats were old,(actually stats from 1998-2002, not near 10 years old) and that they showed a gradual decline in the most recent years.
The map is from 97, the statistics were not.

Just as in Denver, State statutes "trump" local and county laws, just as the Federal law does state med provisions.
Unless the CA page at norml is outdated, the laws for cultivation of any amount of mj, is still a felony. Without the proper 'script.
Cultivation Any amount (exception for patients or caregivers) felony 16 - 36 months none
"The cultivation or processing of any amount of marijuana is punishable by up to sixteen months in state prison. There is an exception to the cultivation prohibition for patients or patients’ caregivers who possess or cultivate for personal use by the patient upon approval of a physician. The laws regarding possession and cultivation of marijuana do not apply to patients or patients’ primary caregivers who possess or cultivate marijuana for the personal medical use of the patient, upon the recommendation or approval of a physician."
end c/p

If it is truely as openly accepted as you represent it, I'm green with envy. But as I said before, I am in relatively constant communications with a few N. CA. growers that don't relate the same conditions. None of them, including small time med providers, have ever related to me, that "everybody does it..and nobody cares". In fact, quite the opposite, always conveying concerns of being busted or their secret discovered.
Wonder why more n. ca. growers aren't bragging about the lax enforcement ? total acceptance ?

I read the overwhelming majority(72% or so) believe mj should be decriminilized for adult use and someting like 80% are in favor of med use. So, I would think sooner or later this would begin to reflect in society.
Maybe your community is ahead of it;s time.
Yes, even simple p;ossession is a federal crime, and fed law trumps state/county/city laws.
But the feds mainly concentrate on large grow ops (over 100 plants), and activists (like Steve Cubby). Yet 99% of growers are left unmolested.

Not ALL NorCal is as liberal as The Triangle. Neighboring Shasta County, for instance, is more anti-mj.

You might want to google Measure G in Mendocino County, passed in '00. Like I said, the voters cut off all funds used the the arrest & prosecution of small-time growers. The measure makes no distinction between "medicinal, spiritual or recreational" use.
The county d.a. says he's well aware that a single plant can yield 2 lbs. or more, and that NO ONE could smoke 50 pounds per year. He's aware of course of the HUGE amt's of pot leaving the county.

Like I said, I read the police log, and I read about pot busts only when it involves sales (usually in concert with other crimes) and possession only when it is incidental to other crimes (or minors).
Having lived in most of em', I can honestly tell you, it doesn't make much diff.

The squares remain square and the rest of us don't see in square.
I live in MN and was found with pos. of small amount on me while driving. I was given the choice to pay a 100$ fine or go fight the ticket in court. I payed the fine..
Michigan is NOT the place u wanna be........they get their nuts off busting people for the smallest amount.......if caught with any...minimum 900.00 fine jail......if driving with it...lisense suspended for at least 90 days....etc........ I LONG to visit Amsterdam..........someday!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well after reading all your stories, Alaska is better than any state or Canada. Federal laws apply but no feds running around that get involved in less than THOUSAND plant grows. Alaskans can legally posess up to 1/4 pound in their homes for private use! If you are growing and have over a quarter lb and up to 25 plants it's a misdomener. Felony at 26 plants. They just DO NOT BUST PEOPLE FOR SMALL GROWS. CAN YOU BEAT THAT?
alaskabud said:
Well after reading all your stories, Alaska is better than any state or Canada. Federal laws apply but no feds running around that get involved in less than THOUSAND plant grows. Alaskans can legally possess up to 1/4 pound in their homes for private use! If you are growing and have over a quarter lb and up to 25 plants it's a misdemeanor. Felony at 26 plants. They just DO NOT BUST PEOPLE FOR SMALL GROWS. CAN YOU BEAT THAT?
I'm not sure if it's as good as it sounds. Are there employers in Alaska that require a piss test for weed? Are they the ones with the best jobs? Can you get a job that pays well and they don't care if you smoke weed?

That seems to be more the problem than just being able to legally smoke it. If you can still get fired from most of the good jobs in Alaska, then what is the advantage of it being "legal"?

That's my main bitch with pot laws. Employers are allowed to fire you if you fail the test they require you to take. If they did the same thing for booze, nobody would be working because they wouldn't find enough people who could pass their tests.

I say, remove all testing from the workplace. If someone is an obvious problem with pot, then do the same thing you would if that person was an obvious problem with booze. Fire them for cause, not suspicion.
Ya Stoney the piss testers rule up here like they do in every state. What's a good job? I guess if yer willing to put a suit and tie on they already own yer pecker anyway. I work construction, $38 an hour would be a good job I guess. Maybe one out of ten jobsites would reguire a piss test to work on their site, screw em I just wouldn't work those sites or cheat on the test.
Anyway this thread was about possesion laws and states/canada. Name me one other of these where it's protected in the states constitution that a person can have up to a 1/4 pound of pot in your house and it's legal like here.
alaskabud said:
Ya Stoney the piss testers rule up here like they do in every state. What's a good job? I guess if yer willing to put a suit and tie on they already own yer pecker anyway.
Odd way of thinkin man. I've been working with a suit on for more than twenty years. Nobody owns me or my pecker.

The laws that permit the piss testers is what needs to be changed. It's the whole picture, man.

alaskabud said:
I work construction, $38 an hour would be a good job I guess. Maybe one out of ten jobsites would reguire a piss test to work on their site, screw em I just wouldn't work those sites or cheat on the test.
Then you are being forced to lie to protect yourself from an unfair law that makes that possible.

alaskabud said:
Anyway this thread was about possesion laws and states/canada. Name me one other of these where it's protected in the states constitution that a person can have up to a 1/4 pound of pot in your house and it's legal like here.
No, the thread is about the best place to be a pot smoker. There is nowhere in the USA that's good. The establishment controls your entire lifes choices by making pot an illegal drug. One FBI agent can bust anyone in Alaska any time they want to. For as much as a joint.

That's what I'm saying. If I could find a job in Holland that pays as well as mine here, I'd move there. That's how tired I am of the pot laws in the USA.
OK stoney you win. I still can't picture you in a suit and tie, no offense.
i live in cali and what they make us do here makes me sad:( and very mad:mad: they makes us dump our stash on the floor then they spit on it and step on it they also makes us break our pipes and bongs or w.e we are carrying just tears me apart....:mad:

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