"* Think about who your smoking with, only smoke with people you trust.
* If you live in a Highly Populated area it's most likely not the best Idea to light up On your front porch or infront of an open window where everyone and his brother can see you.
* If your growing, tell as little people as possible, say one person gets jealous they will go spouting off about it, and you know how word of mouth can go."
Mutt said:
Rule 1: Grow for personal use. Don't sell. You can explain 2-3 plants. 100 forget it you are definetly getting slapped with intent to distribute. (Felony and def. jail). 2-3 plants you can get a lawyer and squirm your way out of jail.
Rule 2: Don't even let your best freind see your grow. All it takes is a slip of the tongue.
Rule 3: Control that odor growing. You don't want the neighbors smelling a white widow in full flower.
I guess it all depends on where you live.
Out here in the primo cultivation country of N. Calif., the cops couldn't care less if you walked down Main St. puffing a joint as big as a horse's leg.
I read the "police log" every week in the local paper that lists ALL calls to the cops/911 and I NEVER see calls re: poss. of mj, unless it's a school type deal
or part of another more serious bust.
They don't tell you to throw it away if they find it, they ignore it.
Except maybe if you're smoking & driving they may if they're bored give you a FST (field sobriety test).
One reason is that the cops are short-handed. Sometimes there are no patrolmen on duty; if they need a deputy they have to call and wake one up.
But mostly it's a mind-set and economic sense. Growing pot harms no one and brings $$ into the county when it's sold.
Pot growers vote. And we voted out all the asshole anti-pot cops, prosecutors, etc. years ago.
And many cops are growers too. Last year I was in a growshop in a different county 50 miles away (the closest one) and browsing the store was one on the local cops.
Simply put, everyone out here who smokes weed grows it. It's everywhere. 2 years ago the county sheriff posted a note in the local paper asking pot growers to confine their grow to their back yard, away from view of passer's by, because kids would look around for it as they walked by
A friend of mine grows in a greenhouse and the greenhouse and it's contents can easily be seen by 3 different neighbor's houses. No problem.
No one out here makes a big secret deal about growing. My neighbors grow; we exchange clones and share growing tips every year.
I did have a small problem this last season when a very small amount of weed was stolen by a neighbor's kid. He was easy to track and I cut him a break and told him I wouldn't tell his dad as long as he never came back.
Cops still bust people for sales (they'd get it trouble if they didn't make a few busts now and then) but as a rule they don't go out looking. If it falls in their lap as it sometimes does, they can't ignore it.
There is a bit of trouble in paradise occasionally.
2 years ago a grower did something VERY stupid. He was at a rock concert a few hundred miles away, met some people and arranged a deal where they'd meet him at a local rest stop the next night & he'd sell them something like 4 pounds of weed.
Well the guys showed up, 4 of them, inspected the weed, tossed it in the trunk of their car and took off without paying, with the grower and a friend in hot persuit.
Down the road a piece the grower was ramming the thieve's car and ran himself into a ditch. While trying to get his truck out of the ditch, the crooks came back and opened fire, killing the grower/driver and severly wounding his friend.
They caught all 4 guys and last year the triggerman was convicted and sentenced to life. The other 3 guys were convicted of accessory and got 15-to-life.
But of course, sales is WAY different that growing.