Best chance at getting a dry lb. HELP PLEASE!

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I think questions regarding yield always generate a particular response.. Most didn't even read my post, however I di appreciate some of the responses.
I am learning all I can... A lb is a very optimistic goal, but I really just want as much as possible. I think I will surprise u how much I will yield though..
Well if you're looking for best possible yield i would follow THG's advice and go with 4 plants (or less). Especially if they are bushy. It's been my experience when you cram bushy plants in an area the side shoots don't get enough light to make good buds but they still suck energy from the plant. End up with some good top colas and a whooooooole lotta makings for bubble hash.
i am shooting for a pound or more with a 600W too, i have 15 ladies in a 4x3 room with a hortilux and massive 33"x26" AC hood, so if i dont it wont be because the equipment. i would recommend optimizing the conditions for females (which i think can be found on this site), this is somewhat debated but but i think more accepted than not, and i started with 21 plants and tried to optimize the conditions for more females and from the cumulative binomial distribution funtion (if anyone knows what that is lol) my chances of getting 16 females (i had to give one away due to lack of room) from 21 plants is a little over 1%, so either it worked or i was extremely lucky. also, if you are trying to maximize yield, SOG with lollipopping (cutting off the lower growth) is the most productive way to grow. i lollipopped right before flowering, so about 2 weeks ago, but now i wish i had lollipopped a node or 2 more per plant because the average height is probably 2.5 feet and theres some substantial side-shootage and its pretty cramped since i wasnt expecting 15 ladies but i think im going to leave them alone now. experience is the best way to learn about growing but doing your homework beforehand is extremely important as well. if you read enough and learn enough i think you could do it dont let people scoffing at you on this forum make you think its not possible. lightings the most important part, and getting the most out of your 600 watts should be one of your biggest priorities. if you dont have one already you should get a quality 600W bulb and air cooled reflector so you can get it as close to your plants as temps will allow. i think distance between your bulb and plants is one of the most underrated factors. a 600W at 1.2 feet and a 400W at 9 inches will give you the same light as a 1000W at 2 feet, so its not ALL about how many watts you have. good luck.
The Hemp Goddess said:
I have a 3 x 6.5' space that I NEVER put more than 8 plants in and I find it is much better suited to 4-6 plants. For your space, I would not put more than 4 plants unless you get a good sog strain.

IMO, you should be learning to grow and not be so concerned with yield. Besides, there is no magic formula--there are simply too many variables. If you learn how to optimize YOUR grow, the yield will come. I think that you should have realistic expectations. I would say that if you get even a 1/2 pound, you should be very very happy with your first grow.

We could all stand to read this over and over. I might make it my sig.;)
Believe me... everyone is answering from personal experience and we're only being realistic. It's really hard to get to the details when you can't get past the thought of a first time grower posting a thread about how to get a pound or more in a 600w tent... :confused: If you get 1/2 g per w for your first grow you're really doing well. If you get a pound this round under a 600w, start buying lottery tickets. Even experienced growers have to experiment with their setup as well as deal with a learning curve with any new strain's pheno to figure out the best way to grow that particular strain in his or her given space, according to the strain's needs and natural tendencies, and just so much more. I'm very fortunate to say dollars have never been the limiting factor when it comes to quality and quantity in my grows over the years. You simply learn as things come and hind sight is always 20/20... I love harvesting my own buds but the journey is what it's all about, not the destination.

I wore this out in other posts but I gotta say it again... "The first million hours of learning to grow are a b*tch... After that, it's a piece of cake!"


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