"The reference to flaming and burning happened on a different forum, ***it's one thing to state your opinion and offer suggestions but its another to take over a thread due to a large pot***, there has been much debate over transplanting auto's, and I suppose this is the route I have chosen, it seems to work out for me
Thanks THG. "
Thought I spelled it out quite nicely, I was just trying to "prevent" this from being a thread about pot size.. I thanked her, and stated the reasons why I choose the route I did.
If offense was taken, I sincerely apologize. Sometimes typed words don't come out sounding the way they were meant to, once again, my bad if I offended. I appreciate everyone's input, if I didn't I wouldn't be here, in an open group discussing it.
***that is what happened on the other forum, not here, and not directed towards anyone specifically at all, especially not towards THG for mentioning that it uses more nutes than required, or the benefits of using smaller pots (THG said her opinion and by no means did she take over my thread, so I hope that she didn't think that was referencing her.) ***
I suppose when I said it's one thing to state "your" opinion, that "your" was a bad choice of words. Shoulda said.. "It's one thing for someone to offer opinions, suggestions, and advice (Like THG so nicely did), but its another thing for someone to to continue to post thread after thread and get into a heated debate over pot size. Not meaning anything by it other than, lets not get into a large conversation about whether or not to transplant auto flowers
Hope I cleared that up, Thanks for bringing it to my attention Ech0. Never would I want to come off as rude, especially to a moderator, its never cool especially when it happens unintentionally.