yeah, i agree..clean everything u used in the grow area off real good and very carefully... u should use ff oceans forrest soil with some superthrive b+,bio bizz-bloom, sweet leaf, voodoo juice, (for better nute intake/ bigger roots) with all the other nutes u have already.and def get that humidifier! and u should really alternate ur feedings..(so no more over-watering)..water one day then feed with nutes the next day..once a day and in the morn or when lights first comes on....i read richie's journals too,(both of them! whew**! took 2 wks, he got it down to a science) and your lr2's should have been way bigger..i wouldn't tell u nothing wrong...what i listed here and LEARNED is what i'm gonna b using/doing, and then some with my autos.......still buying equiptment...look at it this way,,,@ least u wont have to buy any seeds for a use the hardest, darkest seeds with tiger looking stripes on em' those are the most mature and me i'm no expert..I got interested in growing in 06' and iv'e been reading books,watching a friend grow,listening,reading these forums since oct. 1st, 2007 and joined this in dec. 2008!! (got in some trouble and !@#** my whole process up!) i'm a newbie, with a "half-way-through-grow" experience/completed under my belt.(12 NON-AUTO, NON-FEM, 4 DIFF. STRAINS, 2MO INTO VEGGING @ THAT!)... but with a lotta knowledge in my head...MY POINT....U LIVE AND LEARN, AND THAT'S WHAT HAPPEND TO ME AND U...NOW RECOUP, REGROUP, AND GROW DEM GIRLS!!! U ONLY FAIL WHEN U GIVE UP TRYING!!!!!