attempt number 1

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A TaStY HaRvEst

wow this is a great site, a pro grow recommended it to me. ok heres my setup. o have seven plants around there 5th or so week post germ. currently they are all in 1/2 gal pots with holes for drainage. space is around 2.5 ft below my 430 watt hps and approx 6 by 3.5 ft floor space. largest plant is about 12 inch smallest 6 or so. two of my plants are wilting pretty badly and was curious if being in too small of a pot could do that? havent used any nutes yet and watering them once a day or once every other because soil seem real dry (fox farm). Pics up soon. any advice would be much appreciated.
Welcome to te forum dude.

Once a day seems very often.
You need some ferts.
Make sure you have good drainage out the bottom of your pots.
Also possibly is root bound.

Also when you post the pics. Can you tell us more about your grow set-up? Like temp and humid and your ventalation set-up things like that would be helpful for us to help you out. ;)
yeah thanks pretty sure he real problem is that they are root bound. Temps 72-76 and the soil is real dry. Humidity varies but no lower then 40 or so no higher then 70. Vents a problem due it is location but the space is small and i always have a fan blowing in a decent amount of air. Pix will be up asap but tonight im going to transplant into a larger pot. Also didnt have alot of light on them when they sprouted so they stretched pretty good but during the transplant tonight i will fix that (just learned that from readin the kick *** site). Drianage didnt really seem like a problem as the water does seem to come out the bottom. Ill keep you guys posted. Thanks for all the help
you should post those pics fast..... so we can see your grow...

what strain you have?
not sure actually for the first time i didnt want to buy seeds incase i messed this one up but i plan on tying them down then just force them. Just did the transplant will see how it went in a few days
ok heres the pix and setup. 6 pots seven plants. off the pix there is a fan blowing contantly.

Photo 9.jpg Photo 10.jpg Photo 11.jpg Photo 12.jpg Photo 13.jpg Photo 15.jpg

let me know what you guys think....thanks
ok well good news, plants seem to love the transplant no shock at all. Ive started LST on a few of them and topped one (never done any of these techiques so i figured id do them all on this first go around). one of the plants is still real wilty and not sure why. Its leaves are super green though, any ideas from anyone? ill post pix later today or tomorrow. Oh and can u LST even when your force flowering or will that divert to much energy away from the bud production?
ok so i finally got alterating nodes on 2 of my 7 plants....cross your fingers and hope for the what size does the branch have to be before you can clone??
A TaStY HaRvEst said:
ok so i finally got alterating nodes on 2 of my 7 plants....cross your fingers and hope for the what size does the branch have to be before you can clone??

I would strongly suggest sexing your plants before cloning them. If they happen to be male, you'd be wasting a lot of time and energy.
well heres my progress thus far. i had to put my plants into 12/12 and not all of them had alt nodes. i know for sure that 1 out of 7 is fem and now im pretty sure ones a male cant tell yet for sure. my question is well they other plants show sex even without alt nodes? and if not how long til they develope? thanks

Photo 16.jpg
Your plants will show sex when they're mature.

The sign that they are mature is when they get alternating nodes.

They won't flower until they are mature.

They will mature normally in 12/12 lighting.

MJ matures at about 6 weeks old.
thanks stoney yeah sucks just saw that 3 out of my 7 plants are males. just destroyed them tonight. and because i wasnt thinkin 2 of my females are in the same pot so im going to try and transplant them into a really large pot and hope for the best. will try and start cloning soon after i do the trans. this week.
sameuladams said:
no shock my as those plants looks sick i hope they die on your as and you get nothin haha
:eek::huh::eek:Thats not too nice. This really isn't the place for trolls. Mods won't tolerate it so be nice:rolleyes:.
ok well all my plants have shown sex.....outta 7 planted 4 turned out to be female. now that i am starting to take clones, what light cycle should i put them on? and if i put them back on 24/7 what are the chances of them turning into a he/she???? thanks

oh and some of the clones already lil hairs on them.
Looks great. I am considering investing on some indoor stuff.

Good luck


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