Are you a productive Pothead or a couch potato?

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I think this is the best thread Ive seen. I feel like I "knoow" you guys a lot better. Plus...jeeez, what a lot of really interesting people. Smart, creative, unique.

Depends on the smoke really....i like to keep a little sativa around for when i need to rock...but in the evening...when im chillin....nothin like a nice indica to make the couch feel that much better...but on the other hand you can harvest your indica while the trich's are still clear and it will give ya that up feelin too....:bump:
I smoke sativas all day so I can work my butt off ion my grows.

8 days a week.

Stuff gets done around these parts, being stoned is a sorry excuse in my circles for lazyness.
I put together and maintain "Granny Storm Crow's list". I work as a teacher's aide in Special Education. I'm presently making a hand quilted baby quilt for one of the teacher's I work with. I paint, sculpt, cook, and write. I'm an avid genealogist. And I like to play around on the boards. I have a family and friends. I'm stoned most of the time.


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