another, help me I have a drug test thread

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so here is the deal I quit smoking about 17 days ago. I always drink alot of water. about 2 gallons a day even when I am not trien to clean out. I am skinny 6 foot and about 150 lbs now. I lost about 15 lbs when I quit smoking. while I was smoking It was frequent. about 5-7 blunts a day to the head. 3-4 days ago I took a cvs piss test and failed. I wasnt really looking for job untill i can piss my own clean pee. but they called me and now I will prob be peeing tomorrow. I am sitting here working on cranberry juice. I hate cranberry juice It gives me the *****. Its almost like I can feel it trien to work.
does anyone have any suggestions on what I might try to do here. buying detox juice isnt a option for it never works, never. One time many moons ago I had luck with aspirin and cranberry juice and 3 days of clean time. I got the aspirin off the internet. but that was years ago.
do I have any options or is this **** it up see what happens. I'm really not feeling like having a negative piss test, there has been a lot of negativity lately and I dont wont anymore.
so I just went to wallyworld and picked up a bottle of niacin and 2 packs of jello. am I wasting my time with the niacin at this point?
Please someone respond I dont have much longer before bed and I have to be there at 9 am. Its a temp service so I am not 100% sure that they will test me but the more than likely will. I really need this job, BAD
All you really need to do is just drink a lot of water and I main a lot. and take a vitamin B pill to make you piss yellow. You well pass like this trust me.

Just make sure you FOLLOW the instructions by the Poster of the
JELLO/GELETIN method to the TEE..

I am currently working the jello method. Feeling bloated,
I will post what happens. even if they don't test me.
Thanks all for the advice
well the good news I actually didn't get tested, yet.
Its going to happen though probably tomorrow or monday.
thats good I get a few more days to flush. any more tips or advice since I have a few days. Excersize and water I guess will be the most common answer.
Drink a lot of cranberry juice and water. And piss as much as you can. and don't smoke until you find out you pass.

Good look homeboy!

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