Well, all I know is there's worms, it's beautiful black castings and I'm very happy. If that's a problem, sorry, but I can't explain what I don't know, can only report what I have and how I get it.
And at $2/30# bag, even if the beautiful black soil is half plain soil, I'm still well ahead?? So instead of questioning and playing games, maybe take what info is given and lok around...or move on. I'll be happy to continue to defend against the nay saying as long as the game is played, though...
But looking through a freshly opened bag....I see only beautiful black and worms....BONUS! Or are we even doubting I have bags here :rofl: :rofl: Hey, did we land on the moon or not?? All I saw were pics...they surely could have been faked. :rofl: :rofl: sorry, I just find it a little comical....