akiraHz's Super Micro SOG containment unit

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The young ladies are looking great akirahz.:aok: How come you only vegged them for 7 days if you don't mind me asking?
The young ladies are looking great akirahz.:aok: How come you only vegged them for 7 days if you don't mind me asking?

Oh i was just worried about space and height n what not, know i didnt have a whole lot of it and wasnt sure just how big and how fast theyd grow. I'd be vegging longer on my next run -- id like to get a 2nd cab built strictly for vegging.
We'll i relocated the ballast outside of the tub, it didnt lower the temp that much, i also took out my 26 watt cfl, but i also put my 20 watt bar back in so it shines right on the stems and lower nodes (very nice).

right now im @ about 7,000 lumens and coming along nicely, i also got 1 seedling now that has popped up out of one of de yellow cups

but now pictures are due.




Ah thanks wise n sara - i killed the last male yesterday as well, the runt had a nice stack of nards building n what i wish would of been the top cola, i noticed it hardly had any roots at all, i wonder what was wrong with it.. perhaps genetically handicapped or something of the like.. well so far i got 3 plants, 2 fems flowering and that 1 seedling, 3 more cups have seeds but not seeing anything yet and its been 10 days.. i have 2 more seeds (haze x skunk) but they we're freebies, so not too hopeful on those being liable since i gave my buddy 3 seeds out of the 5 and none of them grew.
wow the plants are looking really nice and big :heart::heart: cant wait to see them get bigger ;)
Well time to fix my calculations here, since wise man said to count flowering once hairs are seen, this was january 17th.. so today it is almost the 29th, that puts them at 12 days flowering literally.. which seems more accurate, a plant that has truly been flowering for 4 weeks looks to have alot more bud developed in many examples ive looked at now.. so 12 days flowering.. 38-42 more to go probably before chopping em.. How long should i let them dry before i jar them?? humidity in the room will be in the lower 20's with pleanty of ventilation and darkness

My orig plan was to harvest on February 25th, now it has been bumped to march 8th or march 11th :(
to answer your question about why such minimal root growth... logically, it's cuz you didn't veg long enough and give the plant opportunity to produce a large root ball.

at any rate, nice buddage ;) ... I find myself just standing there staring at the grow whenever I walk by the room. I've loved growing plants ever since I was a kid... so this hobby is just a natural progression.... :D
We'll if thats the case why did the other 3 plants i have grow as large as they did? where as one didnt, thats just genetics. And my question was how long do i hang buds to dry.
Whats up mang. I see the young ladies are still looking great. We usually hang our buds for about 4 or 5 days or until they feel like a sponge then we put them into jars. ;)
akirahz said:
And my question was how long do i hang buds to dry.
That has alot to do with your drying conditions.

You can always dry them for a few days,then over that time take test buds and see how they burn for you.
Alright man, cause I am doing some very very similiar, so it just gives me another reason to watch :D everything is looking great!

Not yet man, will start the operation prolly around the same time youll be done with yours, ha.

I am starting it sometime in march...cars currently in the shop and dont want to take the bus or taxi with all that ****, haha.

I also dont have seeds yet, so I am trying to figure that out.
ah roger that, what strain ya thinkin on goin with? i ordered mine from seedboutique *i probably mentioned that in my journal* .. took about 20+ days to get here, but it was right around the holidays.

I've heard peakseeds is fast as well http://www.peakseedsbc.com/ -- every thing is a F1 hybrid + all the same prices on every thing!

http://worldwidemarijuanaseeds.com/ is another good one

if you dont live in the states, www.drchronic.com is kool i hear as well, although my friend ordered from them right before xmas and never got his white widows. But thats neither here nor there i guess since it was a busy time for all mail.
Well, I am planning on bagseeds...I would order, but I am in the states and kinda scared of getting introuble by ordering seeds...is it safe?

Do you take any precautions?

BTW, some good news, I will be starting ahead of time...probably mid february!!

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